Издательство: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Год издания: 2009
Количество страниц: 421
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The objective of this publication was to develop a procedure to establish consistent and rational building system performance and response parameters (R, Cd, ��0) for the linear design methods traditionally used in current building codes. The primary application of the procedure is for the evaluation of structural systems for new construction with equivalent earthquake performance
Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors presents a recommended methodology for reliably quantifying building system performance and response parameters for use in seismic design. The parameters or seismic performance factors addressed include the response modification coefficient (R factor), system overstrength factor, and deflection amplification factor. The methodology is a refinement of an earlier preliminary methodology, and is based on a review of relevant research on nonlinear response and collapse simulation, benchmarking studies of selected structural systems, feedback from an expanded group of experts and potential users, and evaluations of additional structural systems conducted to verify the technical soundness and applicability of the approach
Автор: John M. Findlay
Издательство: University of California Press
Год издания: 1993
Количество страниц: 340
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The American West conjures up images of pastoral tranquility and wide open spaces, but by 1970 the Far West was the most urbanized section of the country. Exploring four intriguing cityscapesDisneyland, Stanford Industrial Park, Sun City, and the 1962 Seattle World's FairJohn Findlay shows how each created a sense of cohesion and sustained people's belief in their superior urban environment. This first book-length study of the urban West after 1940 argues that Westerners deliberately tried to build cities that differed radically from their eastern counterparts. In 1954, Walt Disney began building the world's first theme park, using Hollywood's movie-making techniques. The creators of Stanford Industrial Park were more hesitant in their approach to a conceptually organized environment, but by the mid-1960s the Park was the nation's prototypical research park and the intellectual downtown for the high-technology region that became Silicon Valley. In 1960, on the outskirts of Phoenix, Del E. Webb built Sun City, the largest, most influential retirement community in the United States. Another innovative cityscape arose from the 1962 Seattle World's Fair and provided a futuristic, somewhat fanciful vision of modern life. These four became magic lands that provided an antidote to the apparent chaos of their respective urban milieus. Exemplars of a new lifestyle, they are landmarks on the changing cultural landscape of postwar America.
Автор: Jonathan Bousfield
Издательство: DK Trave
Год издания: 2008
Количество страниц: 300
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Whether you are planning to visit a city, a region or a country, DK's foolproof 'Eyewitness' approach makes learning about a place a pleasure in itself. All the traditional guidebook subject matter is covered-descriptions of sights, opening times, hotels, restaurants, shopping, entertainment, phrase books etc- but, with the help of specially commissioned illustrations and maps, DK makes essential information easy to access and quick to absorb. No other guides explain the history of a place as clearly in words and pictures. DK Eyewitness Travel Guides-the best guides ever created.
Thanks to its year-round appeal, Bulgaria is an up-and-coming tourist destination in Europe, with approximately 5 million visitors per year enjoying the historical cities and towns, white sand beaches, and spectacular ski resorts. Whether exploring Sofia's magnificent churches or trying to decipher the Cyrillic alphabet, the Eyewitness Guide to Bulgaria is indispensable.
Автор: by Martin Pearce
Издательство: Academy Press
Год издания: 2001
Количество страниц: 224
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The building of a university campus is an extremely challenging you an extensive study of a variety of styles of universities from around the world. This excellent reference portrays expert architects and their work in designing outstanding educational establishments.
Full of impressive colour and black and white images Features the most influential architects of this century The range of styles and philosophies covered in this book will prove an indispensable reference in assisting you with planning and designing architecture of the learning environment. Expert architects showcase their work including: Foster Partners - Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK Henri Gaudin - Amiens, France Antoine Predock - UCSC, California, USA Stirling Wilford - Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore John Outram, Rice University, Texas, USA Eduardo Souta de Moura - Aveiro University, Portugal Michael Hopkins - Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK
Автор: Teubner B.G. GmbH
Издательство: Vieweg + Teubner
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 219
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Dieser einzigartige Leitfaden gibt einen kompakten Überblick erfolgreicher Finanzierung und Bilanzierung in der Bauwirtschaft. Das aktuelle Thema ist dabei in zwei Schwerpunkte unterteilt. Im ersten Teil berücksichtigen die Autoren finanzielle Besonderheiten der Bauwirtschaft - auch im Auslandsbau - und gehen ausführlich auf firmen- als auch projektbezogene Aspekte ein. Im zweiten Schwerpunkt erläutert das Buch umfassend die richtige Einzel- und Konzernbilanzierung. Neben deutschem Handelsrecht gewinnen die internationalen Bilanzierungsstandards wie IFRS und US-GAAP immer mehr an Bedeutung. Nicht unwesentlich beeinflusst auch der Basel II-Prozess die Thematik. Das Buch vermittelt Ingenieuren und Architekten dazu ein breites Know-how und ist eine sichere Hilfestellung auf diesem Gebiet.
Автор: University Of Iowa Press
Издательство: University Of Iowa Press
Год издания: 1992
Количество страниц: 293
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Midwest, says Martone (editor of A Place of Sense ), has never had a distinctive regional identity. To redress that situation, he invited 24 of the area's best writers to focus on its townships, six-mile-by-six-mile squares arbitrarily defined by government surveyors. Unfortunately, everything about this volume seems arbitrary. The editor decided by fiat which states composed the region (Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa), and no unifying bond is ever revealed. As Martone himself asks, what links the autoworker in Detroit with the actuary in Des Moines? What does Ray A. Young Bear, writing poignantly about his tribe's creation myth, have in common with Anthony Bukoski relating his passionate attachment to the Superior Bay wetlands? What does Carol Bly, learning about a blond-haired Jesus in Duluth, share with Deborah Galyan, whose black high school teacher taught her about Joseph Conrad and about life in Bloomington, Ind.? The reader may recall Gertrude Stein's remark about Oakland, There is no there there. Photos by Raymond Bial not seen by PW.
Автор: Lawrence W. Kennedy
Издательство: University of Massachusetts Press
Год издания: 1998
Количество страниц: 328
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
An account of Boston's planning history. Nine chapters detail the key developments that shaped each period of Boston's growth, focusing on the post-World War II era. The text describes the process and significance of all the major projects - from the first wharves to the latest skyscrapers.
Автор: Wesley Shank
Издательство: University Of Iowa Press
Год издания: 1979
Количество страниц: 179
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The historian's view of the brevity of the settlement period and subsequent development of Iowa is nowhere so tangibly demonstrated as in the buildings and structures which were created in the process. In virtually every county the first settlers, regardless of the style of homes they left to come to Iowa, followed a common pattern. They availed themselves of whatever building materials the environment and circumstance dictated; dugouts, sod, or logs. Their primary concern appears to have been shelter; functional, expedient, and spartan. Once established and able, however, their permanence and affluence were demonstrated by the construction of buildings following patterns well established in the communities from whence they came. Those people arriving after the brief settlement period brought new concepts and styles with them, adding variety to the community and neighborhood in which they settled. The impact of this continuous flow of ideas is easily observable in Iowa, if one has a key to understanding what occurred.
Автор: Mark Freeman
Издательство: Stackpole Books
Год издания: 1994
Количество страниц: 240
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
As a compliment to other books on the subject this one would suffice to add some detail, but I certainly am glad it's not the only book on solar home building I own. The material seems to be presented from a limited, but technical, scope of understanding. Although some technical and accurate information has found it's way into the pages of this book, I have found it on all levels to be missing what ever mysterious combination of qualities makes a good user friendly how to book. From my reading of other books on the subject what fresh material and/or thought this book brings to the subject seems to be either contrary or obsolete. The methodology in this book seems particularly biased to a very limited way of covering the concerns of anyone interested in passive solar homes. Again this book could potentially supplement a reasonible collection, but I'm glad it's not my only book on the subject, and I'm certainly glad that it wasn't my first book on the subject! I'm not saying that this book is all wrong, but I find it to be far from alright! If you haven't bought a book on this subject yet, keep looking... --- Michael P. Frank (Tallahassee, FL USA)
Автор: W. Richard Wheeler
Издательство: University of Massachusetts Press
Год издания: 1994
Количество страниц: 334
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Hooker had the misfortune to lay his work in the path of what was called in the 1930s, at its dispirited conclusion, a Century of Progress. He died in 1836, as that century commenced. Progress was often confused with nervous change, each change justified by a disparaging view of the past. Progress is often bad for architecture, architecture being, by its nature, an obstruction, but for a profoundly conservative architect like Philip Hooker the consequences were disastrous. Nearly all his buildings were obliterated. Judging from the few which have survived, especially his Hamilton College Chapel, his Albany Academy, and his quirky Hyde Hall near Cooperstown, as well as from the drawings in this exhibition, many of those buildings were very good and have been replaced by worse.