Издательство: Architecture Media Pty. Ltd.
Количество страниц: 124
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Artichoke, Australia’s most respected interior architecture and design magazine, presents inspiring examples of design excellence and engaging discussion of design issues to industry professionals and a broader audience of design-savvy consumers. It reviews significant new projects, profiles designers, showcases new products and explores creative design collaborations. It is the national magazine of the Design Institute of Australia (DIA).
Автор: Bob Giddings, Margaret Horne
Издательство: Spon Press
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 0419236007
Количество страниц: 216
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Artists' Impressions in Architectural Design analyses the ways in which architects have presented their designs for clients and the public, both historically and contemporarily. It spans a period from the fifteenth to the twenty-first century. Architects have become familiar with change. The passage of time has brought with it new and revived styles of architecture, as well as innovative tools and techniques for their representation. The result is that while some methods show a view of the architect's concept for a building, others offer an almost real experience of the intended architecture. This book provides a rare and valuable study in which the exciting technological developments of today are placed in context with the rich heritage of the past. It offers an opportunity to learn how architects have chosen to represent their ideas. The authors dare to glimpse into the future and hopefully offer some reassurance for tomorrow. (Книга "Художники. Впечатления об архитектурном дизайне" анализирует способы, которыми архитекторы представляли свои проекты клиентам и общественности, как исторически, так и по-современному. Она охватывает период с 15-го по 21-й вв.)
Издательство: Kitchen + Bath Makeovers
Количество страниц: 116
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Журнала Kitchen + Bath Makeovers предлагает читателям много креативных идей переоборудования ванных комнат и кухни, при этом все представленные проекты содержат подробный фотоотчет и план расположения мебели и оборудования, что должно помочь читателю принять свое решение
Издательство: Luxe Interiors + Design Magazine™
Количество страниц: 316
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Luxe Interiors + Design Magazine™ is the uncompromised source for those with a passion for creating beautiful surroundings and living well. It is the influential go-to guide that leads readers to discover and acquire local and national resources for design, decorating, architecture and renovation. Curated for the affluent, sophisticated homeowner, Luxe Interiors + Design Magazine™ is the only luxury publication that offers access to the local design and architecture scene, while also covering national design news and trends.
Издательство: The American Institute of Architects
Количество страниц: 108
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Eco-structure is geared toward architects, builders, interior designers and others interested in green building. By focusing on particular green residential and commercial projects, as well as gaining “perspectives” from industry leaders, the publication strives to improve the built the... Eco-structure editorial covers green building from all angles, providing information about diverse green-building techniques and rating systems to help architects and designers choose the proper approach to their specific projects. In addition, Eco-structure focuses on the entire building and how intricately a building's systems work together to achieve sustainability. Eco-structure consistently provides reliable, in-depth coverage of the market, new trends and market statistics, as well new products information.
Издательство: Home & Design Trends is one of the most widely read architecture and design magazines in the world t
Количество страниц: 154
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Home & Design Trends is one of the most widely read architecture and design magazines in the world today. The Indian edition launched as the Home TRENDS series, the magazine aims to meet the demand for a world-class reference source on architecture and design for the both professionals and home makers alike. With its outstanding and pertinent features, Home & Design Trends raises the bar by catering to the varied and evolving design sensibilities of today's India. This is Bookazine for professionals and is a very practical source of ideas and inspiration with comprehensive details of each project featured.
Автор: Vess Ruhtenberg, Jeremy Efroymson
Издательство: Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art
Год издания: 2013
isbn: No
Количество страниц: 58
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Simply put, Jan Ruhtenberg is the greatest architect you've never heard of. His accomplishments are astonishing: an apprentice and colleague of Mies van der Rohe during his most significant projects; a close confidant of Philip Johnson who helped introduce modernism to America; a man who escaped Nazi Germany to design projects for Herman Miller, Greta Garbo, Nelson Rockefeller and the Swedish Royal Family. However, as Jan approached the pinnacle of his profession, he was outed as a gay man in conservative 1950's America. Jan's commissions disappeared and he all but vanished from the history of modern architecture. This exhibition begins a process of reintroducing the world to one of its great architects and designers. Curated by Vess von Ruhtenberg and Jeremy Efroymson. Exhibit and catalog made possible by The Efroymson Family Fund and The Tracy L. Haddad Foundation (Ян Рутенберг - велиbкй, но мало кому известный архитектор. Ученик и сподвижник Мис ван дер Роэ, он пользовался доверием и Филиппа Джонсона, который привёл в Америку модерн.)
Автор: Печкарева Анна
Издательство: Эксмо
Год издания: 2013
isbn: 978-5-699-60652-8
Количество страниц: 192
Язык: русский
Формат: DOC
Эта книга содержит максимально полную информацию о современных способах утепления летнего загородного дома или дачи. Следуя за пошаговыми технологиями, приведенными в ней, вы сможете утеплить пол, фундамент, стены, крышу, двери и окна. В книге приведен подробный обзор современных материалов и необходимых инструментов, которые помогут минимизировать денежные и трудовые затраты.