EcoRedux: Design Remedies for an Ailing Planet (Architectural Design) |
Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство |
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Автор: Lydia Kallipoliti
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2011
isbn: 0470746629
Количество страниц: 140
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
This issue of AD explores the remarkable resurgence of ecological strategies in architectural imagination. As a symptom of a new sociopolitical reality inundated with environmental catastrophes, sudden climatic changes, garbage-packed metropolises and para-economies of non-recyclable e-waste, environmental consciousness and the image of the earth re-emerges, after the 1960s, as an inevitable cultural armature for architects; now faced with the urgency to heal an ill-managed planet that is headed towards evolutionary bankruptcy. At present though, in a world that has suffered severe loss of resources, the new wave of ecological architecture is not solely directed to the ethics of the world's salvation, yet rather upraises as a psycho-spatial or mental position, fuelling a reality of change, motion and action. Coined as ‘EcoRedux', this position differs from utopia in that it does not explicitly seek to be right; it recognises pollution and waste as generative potentials for design. In this sense, projects that may appear at first sight as science-fictional are not part of a foreign sphere, unassociated with the real, but an extrusion of our own realms and operations. - Contributors include: Matthias Hollwich and Marc Kushner (HWKN), Fabiola López-Durán and Nikki Moore, Anthony Vidler and Mark Wigley. - Featured architects: Anna Pla Catalá, Jonathan Enns, Eva Franch-Gilabert. Mitchell Joachim (Terreform One), François Roche (R&Sie(n)), Rafi Segal, Alexandros Tsamis and Eric Vergne. |
Territory: Architecture Beyond Environment (Architectural Design) |
Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство |
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Автор: David Gissen
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 0470721650
Количество страниц: 139
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Advancing a new relationship between architecture and nature, Territory emphasises the simultaneous production of architectural objects and the environment surrounding them. Conceptualised within a framework that draws from physical and human geographical thought, this title of Architectural Design examines the possibility of an architecture that actively produces its external, ecological conditions. The architecture here scans and modifies atmospheres, arboreal zones, geothermal exchange, magnetic fields, habitats and toxicities – enabling new and intense geographical patterns, effects and sensations within architectural and urban experience. Territory charts out a space, a territory, for architecture beyond conceptualisations of context or environment, understood as that stable setting which pre-exists the production of new things. Ultimately, it suggests a role for architecture as a strategy of environmental tinkering versus one of accommodation or balance with an external natural world. |
Energies: New Material Boundaries (Architectural Design) |
Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство |
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Автор: Sean Lally
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 0470753633
Количество страниц: 139
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
At present, material energies – that is thermal variation, air velocity, spectrums of light and electricity – remain a largely untapped source of innovation and inspiration for architects. Commonly relegated to the production of ambience - ‘moods’ or ‘effects’ - energies tend to be explored, in a design context, as little more than metaphor or poetics. Alternatively, they are regarded wholly as a resource for providing preconceived, rule-of-thumb interior comfort zones or as a set of measurables for determining ‘energy efficient’ buildings. Energies looks at ways of elevating these materials from their dependence on surfaces and services and in so doing, deploying them as building materials in themselves; thus redefining our physical boundaries through a wholly new means of spatial organisation. - The publication propels the sustainability debate forward by making ‘material energies’ the catalyst for experimental design. - The issue deals with a wide range of scales of design, from architecture to building design and that of landscape and urban planning - Contributors include Michelle Addington, Petra Blaisse, Penelope Dean, Helene Furjan, An Te Liu, Zbigniew Oksiuta, Philippe Rahm and WEATHERS. |
Design Through Making (Architectural Design) |
Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство |
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Автор: Bob Sheil
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0470090936
Количество страниц: 143
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Most architects who build do not make buildings; they make information that makes buildings. Making buildings requires acquiring knowledge not only of the world of information exchange, but also of the world of making things. It is an expertise that goes beyond the architectural drawing and an expertise that many designers cannot claim to fully possess or practice. Design through Making is not only directed at architects, but engineers, educators, fabricators, machine operators, and anyone with an interest in the manifestation of ideas. It seeks to challenge outmoded notions that building production is preceded by design, and making is merely the cooking of the raw, or the end game where no further design ideas are explored. Here, a hybrid mode is recognised where the investigation of ideas is fully engaged with the tactile, physical nature of architecture and building processes. It is an issue that celebrates the re-emergence of making, not merely as an immense resource for ideas, experimentation and customisation, but as a critical resource that will redefine architectural practices. This title includes the work of Block Architecture, Mark Burry, Thomas Heatherwick Studios and Walter Pichler; there is also a special feature on Japanese traditions in architecture. Contributors include: Iain Borden, Sarah Chaplin, David Dunster, Jonathan Hill and Mark Prizeman. |
Made in India (Architectural Design) |
Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство |
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Автор: Kazi Ashraf
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 0470034769
Количество страниц: 161
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
The architectural and urban landscape of India is being remade in unexpected and exuberant ways. New economic growth, the infiltration of global media and technologies, and the transnational reach of the diasporic Indian have unleashed a new cultural and social dynamic. While the dynamic is most explicit and visible in the context of the Indian city, a different set of transformations is taking place in the rural milieu. Yet, as the political writer Sunil Khilnani notes, the world's sense of India, of what it stands for and what it wishes to become, seems as confused and divided today as is India's own sense of itself. It is a challenge, in these conditions, to explore how the deeply entrenched histories and traditions of India are being reimagined, and how questions of the extraordinary diversity of India are being reinterpreted in its architectural and urban landscape. AD traces this compelling story through the writings of Prem Chandavarkar, Sunil Khilnani, Anupama Kundoo, Reinhold Martin, Michael Sorkin, Anuradha Mathur and Dilip da Cunha, and others, as well as through the work of some 25 practices currently producing work on the Indian subcontinent. |
Малоэтажные дома |
Категория: Архитектура и строительство, Строительство и ремонт, дизайн помещений |
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Автор: Нанасова С.М.
Издательство: Издательство Ассоциации строительных вузов
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 207
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
В данном издании рассмотрены вопросы проектирования коттеджей, блокированных зданий, таунхаусов, а также решения хозяйственных и декоративных построек на территориях садовых участков. Даны характерные объемно-планировочные решения и разработки основных конструктивных элементов здания: фундаментов, стен, перекрытий и покрытий. Приведены планировочные и конструктивные решения внутри квартирных лестниц. |
Architextiles (Architectural Design) |
Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство |
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Автор: Mark Garcia
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2007
isbn: 0470026340
Количество страниц: 139
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Focusing on the intersections between textiles and architectural design, this title communicates the full range of possibilities for a multidisciplinary design hybrid. It examines the generative concepts, forms, patterns, materials, processes, technologies and practices that are driving this cross-fertilisation in contemporary urban and architectural design. Architextiles represent a transition stage in the reorientation of spatial design towards a more networked, dynamic, interactive, communicative and multifunctional state. The paradigms of fashion and textile design, with their unique, accelerated aesthetics and ability to embody a burgeoning, composite and complex range of properties such as lightness, flow, flexibility, surface, complexity and movement have a natural affinity with architecture's shifts towards a more liquid state. The preoccupation with textiles in architecture challenges traditional perceptions and practices in interior, architectural, urban, textile and fashion design. Interweaving new designs and speculative projects for the future, Architextiles, brings together architects, designers, engineers, technologists, theorists and materials researchers to unravel these new methodologies of fabricating space. |
New Urban China (Architectural Design) |
Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство |
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Автор: Laurence Liauw
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 0470751223
Количество страниц: 139
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
China is undergoing a process of unprecedented urbanisation, with cities often being built from scratch in just three to five years. It is projected that 400 new cities will be built over the next 20 years with newly urbanised populations of over 240 million. So rapid and intense is this process that consumption of energy and natural resources is outstripping supply, posing unique challenges for the creation of sustainable cities. This issue focuses on how cities are being ‘Made in China’ today and how their development is to impact on the future of cities worldwide. - Provides the inside story with contributions from Chinese urbanists, academics and commentators. - Features an interview on Dongtan with Peter Head of Arup - Dedicates a special section to the emerging generation of Chinese architects: Zhang Ke of standardarchitecture, Atelier Zhanglei, MAD, MADA s.p.a.m. and URBANUS. |
Techniques and Technologies in Morphogenetic Design (Architectural Design) |
Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство |
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Автор: Michael Hensel, Achim Menges, Michael Weinstock
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 0470015292
Количество страниц: 130
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
This issue of AD introduces a new approach to architectural practice based on the interrelationship of emergence and self-organisation concepts. A sequence to the successful Emergence: Morphogenetic Design Strategies title by the same guest-editors, it advances on the previous publication by taking on board the latest developments for fully integrated design evolution, manufacturing and construction. Emergence requires the recognition of architectural structures not as singular and fixed bodies, but as complex energy and material systems that have a lifespan, exist as part of the environment of other active systems, and as an iteration of a series that proceeds by evolutionary development. Thus the focal point of this issue will be the exploration of techniques and technologies that enable the implementation of such morphogenetic strategies, requiring a new set of intellectual and practical skills. Though the publication stands alone as an investigation and presentation of cutting-edge techniques and technologies within the design and construction field supported by examples from adjacent industries, it also introduces a new springboard for understanding and rethinking the radical changes in which architecture is now being conceived, designed and produced. While representing a timely exploration of the embedding of techniques and technology in an alternative design approach, it also presents wholly new strategies for tackling issues of sustainability. |
Cities of Dispersal (Architectural Design) |
Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство |
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Автор: Rafi Segal, Els Verbakel
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 0470066377
Количество страниц: 139
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Questioning the traditional boundaries between cities, suburbs, countryside and wilderness, this issue of AD explores emergent types of public space in low-density environments. It describes this new form of urbanism: decentralised, in a constant process of expansion and contraction, not homogenous or necessarily low-rise, nor guided by one mode of development, typology or pattern. While functionally and programmatically dispersed, settlements operate as a form of urbanism; the place of collective spaces within them has yet to be defined and articulated. The physical transformation of the built environment on the one hand, and the change in our notion of the public on the other - due to globalisation, privatisation and segregation - call for renewed interpretations of the nature and character of public space. The concept of public space needs to be examined: replaced, re-created or adapted to fit these conditions. What is the place of the public in this form of urbanism, and how can architecture address the notion of common, collective spaces? What is the current sociopolitical role o such spaces? How does the form and use of these spaces reflect the conception of the public as a political (or non-political) body? And can architecture regain an active role in formulating the notion of the collective? These and other issues are addressed through essays, research projects and built work by distinguished writers such as Bruce Robbins, Albert Pope and Alex Wall, and Practitioners including Zvi Hecker, Vito Acconci, MUTOPIA, Manuel de Sola-Morales, Martha Rosler and Manuel Vicente in a search for new collective architectures within the dispersed city. |