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  Rigging Period Ship Models
    Категория: Водный транспорт, судостроение, Корабли, подводные лодки
Rigging Period Ship Models title=
Автор: Lennarth Peterssen
Издательство: Naval Inst Pr.
Год издания: 2000
isbn: 1557509700
Количество страниц: 126
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 61 Мб
Каталожный номер: 81594
Обработанный и очищенный скан.

The rigging of period ship models is arguably the most complex and daunting task for the modeler. An eighteenth-century man-of-war boasted mile upon mile of rigging, over 1,000 blocks, and acres of canvas. To reduce the rigging in scale and yet retain an accurate representation is a formidable undertaking. After studying numerous eighteenth-century museum models, the author has drawn some four hundred diagrams which clearly show how each separate item of rigging is fitted to the masts, yards, and sails. Each drawing deals with only one particular aspect and is accompanied by a logical and straight forward narrative. For example, the fore deadeyes and channels are shown before the shrouds are added, and these are depicted before the ratlines are added. Whether a model maker needs to rig a whole ship or just requires information on one aspect, it is all here in this beautifully produced volume that no modeler of period ships should be without.

Похожие публикации:

  • Period Rooms in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Rigging Period Fore-and-aft Craft
  • The Royal Yacht Caroline 1749 (Anatomy of the Ship)
  • The Seventy-Four Gun Ship Vol. 3: Masts - Sails - Riggins
  • FineScale Modeler Vol.07 No.04
  • Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship Volumes I, II
  • Navy Board Ship Models 1650-1750
  • Modèles historiques au Musée de la Marine
  • Plank-On-Frame Models and Scale Masting & Rigging Volume 1
  • The Rigging of Ships: in the Days of the Spritsail Topmast, 1600-1720

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