Автор: А.Е. Хартинк
Издательство: Райсинта
Год издания: 1997
isbn: 9986-883-00-8
Количество страниц: 264
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF (scan)
Современная энциклопедия, специально предназначенная для владельцев пистолетов и револьверов. Это подробное справочное издание включает в себя следующие разделы: происхождение и история развития пистолетов и револьверов, советы и рекомендации по организации тренировок, подробная информация о технике стрельбы и системах оружия, информация о производителях оружия и их продукции, обзор боеприпасов для пистолетов и револьверов, более 400 превосходных цветных фотографий.
Автор: Collective
Издательство: London: His Majestery's Stationery Office
Год издания: 1942
isbn: No
Количество страниц: 32
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Tanks played an important role in World War II. Invented by the British in World War I, the tank gradually improved in the inter-war period and also saw rapid changes in the Second World War. At one point a tank seemed to be state-of-the-art, then a year later it was obsolete.
Автор: Ian V. Hogg
Издательство: Dragon Grafton Books
Год издания: 1986
isbn: 0-583-310052
Количество страниц: 47
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Like other books in the series, each volume is comprised of 20 2-page chapters arrranged according to a table of contents. Every page has colorful detailed drawings which illustrate the somewhat technical text. The captions are also very detailed. The diagrams of the helicopter and the howitzer are extremely good and will be the object of close examination. These two books are a little more detailed in their content than are the titles in Watts' ``20th Century Weapons'' series. A survey of the evolution of modern armored tanks, now equipped with computerized electronics, night vision, air filtration, and laser fire control systems, and their tasks and tactics today.
Автор: Terry Gander
Издательство: Dragon Grafton Books
Год издания: 1986
isbn: 0-583-310087
Количество страниц: 48
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Like other books in the series, each volume is comprised of 20 2-page chapters arrranged according to a table of contents. Every page has colorful detailed drawings which illustrate the somewhat technical text. The captions are also very detailed. The diagrams of the helicopter and the howitzer are extremely good and will be the object of close examination. These two books are a little more detailed in their content than are the titles in Watts' ``20th Century Weapons'' series. Artillery is loaded with information about calibers and projectiles.
Автор: Collective
Издательство: Luftwaffen Museum der Bundeswehr
Год издания: 2009
isbn: No
Количество страниц: 42
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Seit Mitte der 60er Jahre war die MiG-21 das wichtigste Kampfflugzeug der Luftstreitkrafte / Luftverteidigung (LSK/LV) der DDR. Alle sechs Jagdfliegergeschwader der NVA waren komplett mit der MiG-21 ausgerustet oder hatten dieses Muster uber langere Zeit im Bestand. Zudem wurde die MiG-21 in zwei Taktischen Aufklarungsfliegerstaffeln (TAS) und einem Fliegerausbildungsgeschwader (FAG) geflogen. Zu den Hochzeiten des Kalten Krieges betrug der Gesamtbestand an MiG-21 uber 400 Maschinen.
Автор: Thijs Postma en Wim Schoenmaker
Издательство: Omniboek (Dutch Edition)
Год издания: 1978
isbn: 9062072909
Количество страниц: 84
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Russische luchtvaart sinds 1910 Thijs Postma / Wim Schoenmaker Luchtvaart in beeld serie nr 6. Met veel foto`s van bijzondere vliegtuigen.
Автор: Raymond V.B. Blackma
Издательство: Macdonald & Co. Ltd. (3-d and comletly revised ed.)
Год издания: 1963
isbn: No
Количество страниц: 260
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
This is the 3-rd edition of a concise and authoritative survey of modern fightind ships, compiled by the editor of Jane's Fighting Ships. Cjvering all the principal navies of the World the warships are arranged by categories - aircraft carriers, battleships, battle cruisers, command ships, cruisers, leaders. destroyers, frigates and destroyer escorts, and submarines - and by classes within the various categories for purposes of easy reference. There are over 1.000 photographs illustrating the ships, and of these, 67 have not appeared in previos editions, being completly new.
Автор: Charles Messenger
Издательство: F. Warne Publishers Ltd.
Год издания: 1981
isbn: 0723216029
Количество страниц: 192
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Volume no. 89 in the popular and collectable series. "A ready reference to the majority of Armoured Fighting Vehicles in service with the world's armies today."