Издательство: Моделист-Конструктор
Количество страниц: 6х36
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
№01 - Многоцелевой транспортер-тягач МТ-ЛБ. Часть 2 №02 - Бронетехника Италии 1930-1940 гг. №03 - Танк Т-84 "Оплот" №04 - Танк Т-72 №05 - Боевая бронированная машина США "Страйкер" №06 - Бронетехника Польши 1939 г.
Издательство: Моделист-Конструктор
Количество страниц: 6х36
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
№01 - "Меркава" Танк армии Израиля №02 - Бронетранспортер США М113 №03 - Основной боевой танк Т-64 №04 - Армейский бронеавтомобиль США "Хаммер" №05 - Танк Т-80 №06 - Strv-103 Танк Швеции
Издательство: McGraw-Hill
Количество страниц: 224
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Architectural Record is your in-depth guide to contemporary architectural design, practice and technology. Each issue offers detailed perspectives of the most interesting projects from around the world. In addition, comprehensive coverage of noteworthy new products and technology will keep you both informed and inspired. Architectural Record Magazine - журнал, посвященный архитектурному дизайну, практике и технологии.
Автор: John Jordan, Jean Moulin
Издательство: Seaforth Publishing
Год издания: 2013
isbn: 1848321333
Количество страниц: 232
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
The French produced some of the most striking and innovatory interwar cruiser designs. A large amount of new information about these ships has become available over the past twenty years in France, but this book is the first to make this accessible to an English-speaking readership. Part I explains the design philosophy behind each of the classes built after 1922, and outlines the characteristics of each type, accompanied by detailed data tables and a comprehensive set of specially-drawn plans based on official documents, as well as carefully-selected photographs. Coverage includes the De Grasse, laid down in August 1939 and completed postwar as an AA cruiser, and also the heavy cruisers of the Saint Louis class intended to follow her, about which little has been published. Part II deals with the historical side, covering not only the eventful careers of these ships, but also explaining the peacetime organisation of the Marine Nationale, the complex politics of this turbulent period and their impact on the navy. Like its highly successful predecessor, French Battleships, this beautifully presented book subtly blends technical and historical analysis to produce what must become the standard reference work.
Автор: Nicholas Hooper, Matthew Bennett
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 1996
isbn: 0521440491
Количество страниц: 194
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Warfare in the Middle Ages is often characterized as being dominated by lone, heroic knights or enormous mobs of plodding infantry. In this colorful and informative book, authors Hooper and Bennett debunk many of the myths surrounding medieval warfare to present a picture of a military culture as sophisticated as our modern one, with well organized armies and a high degree of tactical intelligence. The authors make their case by masterful use of high-quality maps, battle plans, and pictorial essays that explore such topics as siege warfare, the use of cavalry, the development of naval warfare, medieval science and warfare, and the legacy of the Middle Ages in modern military warfare. The Atlas spans the period from the coronation of Charlemagne to the last of the English Wars of the Roses and covers campaigns in and around Europe and the Mediterranean. The illustrations depict all levels of warfare from the strategic campaigns down to individual battles, fortifications, and weaponry. The lucid narrative that accompanies the pictures explains the course of campaigns and lessons to be learned from them. This book is written for the general reader with an interest in the history of warfare.
Автор: Jeremy Black
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 1996
isbn: 0521470331
Количество страниц: 196
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The three centuries following the discovery of the New World was a period of unprecedented global expansion, spearheaded by the lusty armies of the imperial European powers. This volume of The Cambridge Illustrated Atlases of Warfare is a lively and elaborately illustrated study of warfare during the early modern period, ranging from the European Renaissance to the American Revolution. Unique color maps and authoritative text illuminate the major military and naval developments that characterized the period. Feature boxes describe key events, important military confrontations, individual tacticians, battle strategies and weapons. Throughout, the author pays particular attention to the effects of European military expansion on the Americas, Africa, Asia, and the Mediterranean. This comprehensive and accessible book about a fascinating and important period will appeal to war buffs and historians alike.
Автор: В.М Козырев, М.Е. Козырев
Издательство: АСТ / Астрель
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 5-17-011266-1 / 5-271-029-55-7
Количество страниц: 349
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF (scan)
В книге рассмотрены проекты неизвестных или малоизвестных немецких летательных аппаратов периода Второй мировой войны ("бесхвостки", "летающие крылья", "летающие тарелки", пилотируемые самолеты-снаряды, пилотируемые межконтинентальные ракеты и пр.), доведенные до серийного производства или незавершенные. Издание отличается полной охвата материала и сопровождено большим количеством иллюстраций - схем и фотографий.