Издательство: Key Publishing
Количество страниц: 100
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Airfix Model World magazine is your complete guide to the world of scale modelling, making it essential reading for modellers with all levels of experience. Focusing on model aircraft, Airfix Model World also features cars, ships, sci-fi and space, armour and figures. With latest news, reviews, handy step-by-step tips. Plus the chance to ‘Ask the Experts’ to improve your modelling skills.
Издательство: Midland Publishing
Количество страниц: 100
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Renowned as the world’s top military aviation magazine, Combat Aircraft Monthly is the magazine of choice for modern military aviation. Covering subjects from around the world, from combat accounts from the cockpit over Afghanistan to air force overviews and emerging aerospace industry stories, Combat Aircraft Monthly delivers all the latest news, with added value from expert analysis, opinion and views from the front line. Combat Aircraft Monthly is the military aviation magazine that sets the pace, often with world exclusives, the best and most authoritative features every month, and all supported by imagery from the world’s leading aviation photographers.
Издательство: Verlag E. S. Mittler & Sohn
Количество страниц: 45
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Die Hefte sind voller technischer Bild-Text-Informationen anhand authentischer Unterlagen uber aktuelle und technikgeschichtliche Probleme der Luftfahrt und ihrer Nebengebiete, alle Hefte sind reich bebildert mit Fotos, Rissen, technischen Detailzeichnungen, Graphiken, Reproduktionen von Originaldokumenten zu historischen Flugzeugen, hier werden Bilder z.T. erstmals veroffentlicht.
Interiors Creation devient Architecture d'Interieur ! Le magazine conserve la meme ligne editoriale mais prefere afficher le nom Architecture d'Interieur afin de parler au plus grand nombre. La specificite d’Architecture d'Interieur ? Inviter le lecteur a retrouver a chaque numero des paroles d’expert, des architectes d’interieur, des architectes, des artisans, des graphistes qui exposeront leur parcours, leur savoir-faire et leurs realisations.