Издательство: Beaumont Publishing
Количество страниц: 94
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
The Armourer is the UK’s No.1 magazine for militaria collectors and military history enthusiasts with a worldwide readership. Launched at a militaria fair in 1994, the Armourer is a magazine by collectors, for collectors. In every issue, an inexhaustible stream of artefacts linking us to past conflicts throws up interesting stories. Regular articles on ordnance, bayonets, medals, insignia, uniforms, military museums, auctions, World War I and World War II make the Armourer the UK’s premier militaria magazine.
Издательство: Gruner+Jahr / Mondadori S.p.A.
Год издания: 2013
Количество страниц: 148
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Focus Storia: la rivista interamente dedicata alle vicende, ai personaggi, alle curiosità che hanno caratterizzato i secoli passati. Ogni mese un numero speciale da conservare, con i grandi temi approfonditi alla maniera di Focus, per entrare nella Storia in modo diverso e avvincente. Quello di Focus Storia, che racconta le curiosità del passato in modo divertente, intrigante e mai noioso: il racconto del passato per capire sempre meglio il presente...Focus Storia Collection - il trimestrale monotematico e di approfondimento di Focus Storia. Un punto di vista autorevole ed esaustivo sui momenti più appassionanti e misteriosi della nostra civiltà. Segreti svelati e avvenimenti reinterpretati attraverso una lettura facile e divertente, corredata da splendide immagini e accurate illustrazioni.
Designer kitchen & bathroom is a monthly trade magazine aimed at residential interior design professionals. Designer kitchen & bathroom offers a unique mix of content that focuses on new ideas and inspirational designs. The magazine is always first to showcase concept pieces and forward thinking editorial comment. Each month we include exclusive interviews, hot-off-the-press launches, the latest product news for specifiers, trends, innovative new designs and case studies.
BAUMEISTER stellt die komplexe Arbeitswelt von Architekten dar und zeigt Architektur in ihrer ganzen Emotionalität und Faszination. Spannendste Architekturprojekte, herausragende Innenarchitektur und Designinnovationen sowie Interviews mit den wichtigsten Köpfen der Branche. In vor Ort recherchierten Reportagen und exklusiven Essays werden die zentralen Fragen der Architekturwelt thematisiert. (Германский журнал Baumeister фокусирует внимание читателей на основных вопросах мировой архитектуры, знакомя с самыми захватывающими архитектурными проектами, отличающиеся инновационными решениями и дизайном.)
Год издания: 2012
Количество страниц: 100
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Portraits, histoire, philosophie, les hors séries du Nouvel Observateur proposent chaque trimestre une plongée au cœur d'une thématique. 100 pages passionnantes où vous trouverez les contributions des meilleurs spécialistes.
Издательство: McGraw-Hill
Количество страниц: 204
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Architectural Record is your in-depth guide to contemporary architectural design, practice and technology. Each issue offers detailed perspectives of the most interesting projects from around the world. In addition, comprehensive coverage of noteworthy new products and technology will keep you both informed and inspired.
Автор: Charles Bloszies
Издательство: Princeton Architectural Press
Год издания: 2011
isbn: 1616890355
Количество страниц: 144
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Increasingly, architects are hired to design new work for existing structures. Whether for reasons of preservation, sustainability, or cost-effectiveness, the movement to reuse buildings presents a variety of design challenges and opportunities. Old Buildings, New Designs is an Architecture Brief devoted to working within a given architectural fabric from the technical issues that arise from aging construction to the controversy generated by the various project stakeholders to the unique aesthetic possibilities created through the juxtaposition of old and new. (Все чаще архитекторов нанимают, чтобы переработать по новому уже существующее сооружение. Книга посвящена работе в уже существующем архитектурном контексте и техническим проблемам, которые возникают при старении строения, от споров различных заинтересованных сторон проекта до уникальных эстетических возможностей, созданных с помощью соединения старого и нового.)