Автор: коллектив авторов
Издательство: Soaring Society of America, Inc.
Год издания: 1941
Количество страниц: 15
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Soaring magazine has a long history, having been published by The Soaring Society of America, Inc. for all but the first five of SSAs years. The Society was incorporated in May of 1932 just after the organizers began publishing a mimeographed newsletter called the Gliding and Soaring Bulletin. Bulletin #1 was addressed "To all who believe in the future of motorless flight in America." The soaring enthusiasts involved were aiming their efforts and financial contributions at ensuring a safe, respectable and "sporting" 1932 National Soaring Championships.
Автор: коллектив авторов
Издательство: Soaring Society of America, Inc.
Год издания: 1937
Количество страниц: 32
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Soaring magazine has a long history, having been published by The Soaring Society of America, Inc. for all but the first five of SSAs years. The Society was incorporated in May of 1932 just after the organizers began publishing a mimeographed newsletter called the Gliding and Soaring Bulletin. Bulletin #1 was addressed "To all who believe in the future of motorless flight in America." The soaring enthusiasts involved were aiming their efforts and financial contributions at ensuring a safe, respectable and "sporting" 1932 National Soaring Championships.
Автор: Коллектив авторов
Издательство: Franz Eher Verlag
Год издания: 1940
Количество страниц: 34
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF
Kleine Kriegshefte war eine Heftserie die im Zweiten Weltkrieg zwischen 1940-1942 erschienen ist. In den „Kleinen Kriegsheften“ wird der gesamte Krieg zu Lande, zu Wasser und in der Luft geschildert. Auch alle Fragen, die das Kampfgeschehen in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses rückt, sollen in plastischer Form eingehend behandelt werden. Die „kleinen Kriegshefte“ wollen nicht fachlich trockene Darstellung geben, sondern sie wollen in erster Linie Kampf und Erlebnisberichte bringen. Die Tat selbst mit der vollen Dramatik ihres Ablaufes soll im Vordergrund stehen, um den richtigen Eindruck von den Leistungen des deutschen Soldaten zu vermitteln.