Автор: коллектив
Издательство: Бонниер Пабликейшенз
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 978-5-699-35096-4
Количество страниц: 256
Язык: русский
Формат: DJVU
Кажется, нет на свете продуктов проще и доступнее, чем яйца и молоко. Но это вовсе не значит, что блюда, которые из них можно приготовить, должны быть скучными и обыденными! Вы себе не представляете, сколько всего вкусного на страницах этой книги!
Автор: Квеннелл Марджори, Квеннелл Чарльз
Издательство: Центрполиграф
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 5-9524-1834-1
Количество страниц: 190
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Авторы, через поэтический эпос Гомера, пытаются воссоздать подлинные картины жизни в Древней Греции. Объемно и полно представлены все аспекты бытия древних греков: дворцовые покои и их расположение, снаряжение кораблей, оружие, процесс ткачества, жертвоприношение богам. Книга приоткрывает тайны античного мира времен создания "Илиады" и "Одиссеи".
Автор: Michael McKeon
Издательство: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 080188540X
Количество страниц: 904
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Taking English culture as its representative sample, The Secret History of Domesticity asks how the modern notion of the public-private relation emerged in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Treating that relation as a crucial instance of the modern division of knowledge, Michael McKeon narrates its pre-history along with that of its essential component, domesticity. This narrative draws upon the entire spectrum of English people's experience. At the most "public" extreme are political developments like the formation of civil society over against the state, the rise of contractual thinking, and the devolution of absolutism from monarch to individual subject. The middle range of experience takes in the influence of Protestant and scientific thought, the printed publication of the private, the conceptualization of virtual publics -- society, public opinion, the market -- and the capitalization of production, the decline of the domestic economy, and the increase in the sexual division of labor. The most "private" pole of experience involves the privatization of marriage, the family, and the household, and the complex entanglement of femininity, interiority, subjectivity, and sexuality.
Автор: Gunter Bandmann, Gunter Bandmann, Kendall Wallis
Издательство: Columbia University Press
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 0231127049
Количество страниц: 362
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Probably the most important contribution to understanding [the] history of architecture... The content of the work is so comprehensive, the author's excursions into related fields shed light onto so many new and surprising relationships, that it is impossible even to enumerate the variety of the historical, aesthetic, and philosophical aspects of the book." -- Paul Zucker, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism "It makes a timely, welcome addition to essential library holdings in those areas... Highly recommended." -- Choice "Thanks to Kendall Wallis's careful translation the English-speaking world now has the opportunity to rediscover ideas that have endured for more than half a century
Автор: Steven Drakeley
Издательство: Greenwood
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0313331146
Количество страниц: 232
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Culturally and politically, Indonesia is one of the more complex countries in the world, with 336 ethnic groups speaking 583 languages and dialects. It is only recently that these people have been contained within one political framework. Throughout most of history, Indonesia's inhabitants were divided politically in many different ways as a bewildering array of kingdoms and empires rose and fell within the region. Since independence in 1945, one of the challenges Indonesia faces is constructing a unified national identity. Through six chapters, Drakeley discusses Indonesian history beginning with settlement and social development in 5,000 BCE, through the Colonial Era, the Independence Movement, the Sukarno Era, and the Soeharto Era, to the 2004 elections. Ideal for students and general readers, the History of Indonesia is part of Greenwood's Histories of Modern Nations series. With over thirty nation's histories in print, these books provide readers with a concise, up-to-date history of countries throughout the world. Reference features include a biographical section highlighting famous figures in Indonesian history, a timeline of important historical events, a glossary of terms, and a bibliographical essay with suggestions for further reading.
Автор: Peter D. Ward
Издательство: Wiley-Blackwell
Год издания: 1998
isbn: 0387985727
Количество страниц: 241
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
If you went back in time to the site of Los Angeles as it looked 12,000 years agoat the height of the last Ice Agethe animal population might remind you of Africa. You would see saber-toothed tigers, giant ground sloths and camels, hippos, lions, and enormous scavenging condors, as well as giant bears and wolves. Most spectacular of all would be the great herds of proboscideans: giant mastodons and mammoths, extinct relatives of the elephant. Why are these splendid creatures no longer with us? Why are the great mammals that once walked the earth now largely extinct outside of Africa? Of the two suspected culprits, climate change and human hunting, Ward builds a compelling case for human hunting. Humans arrived in Australia about 40,000 years ago, and the marsupial lions and giant kangaroos vanished soon after; they came to New Zealand 2,000 years ago, and the giant moa was quickly gone; and the American extinction coincides with the spread of the first human population there. Surprisingly, however, this most recent of prehistoric mass extinctions is far from the best known or most thoroughly studied. In order to understand what happened in the Ice Age, Ward takes us on a tour of mass extinctions through earth's history. He presents a compelling account of the great comet crash that killed off the dinosaurs and describes other extinctions that were even worse. In so doing he introduces us to a profound paradigm shift now taking place in paleontology: rather than arising from the gradual workings of everyday forces, all mass extinctions are due to unique, catastrophic events. They throw a wild card into the game of evolution and start the contest anew
Автор: Жуковская В.И.
Издательство: Знание
Год издания: 1992
isbn: 5-254-00494-0
Количество страниц: 257
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Наша книжка может помочь сделать дом комфортным и уютным, разумно оснащать кухню, адекватно содержать и чинить санитарно-технические приборы. Малярные работы, поклейка обоев, облицовка ванной комнатой, ремонт полов не привидятся очень трудоемкими, когда читатель познакомится с особым разделом нашей книжки. Цветы, книжки, ручное вязание, птицы и рыбки наполнят досуг, посодействуют сберечь искреннее равновесие в наше трудное время. Этому приурочены к особые главы нашей книжки. Немалая часть книжки станет особо занимательна представителям сильного пола, которые захотят овладеть профессионализмом мероприятия сосредоточенные на дереву, ремонта и производству мебели, умению лепных работ.
Автор: Александр Широкорад
Издательство: Вече
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 978-5-9533-2989-7
Количество страниц: 416
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Русские вступили в борьбу с Османской империей еще во времена Московской Руси. И борьба эта шла не за отдельные пограничные земли, а за сохранение православной веры и всей славянской цивилизации. Турецкие султаны претендовали на владение не только Балканским полуостровом, но и землями Речи Посполитой. Они считали себя наследниками ханов Золотой Орды и поэтому пытались распространить свою власть на Казань и Астрахань. Только за два столетия этого противоборства Россия выдержала девять кровопролитных русско-турецких войн, одна из которых унесла более 200 тысяч человеческих жизней. Россия выстояла в борьбе с империей и одержала победу - отбросила османов, обеспечив безопасность своему черноморскому побережью. Новая книга известного военного историка А.Б.Широкорада рассказывает о непростых, порой драматических отношениях, складывавшихся в течение веков между Россией и Турцией.
Автор: Theodore Eliades, Nikolaos Pandis
Издательство: Wiley-Blackwell
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 1405181907
Количество страниц: 208
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
From the Back Cover Self–Ligation in Orthodontics is a major new text that reviews, analyses and clarifies the currently available peer–reviewed evidence on a number of applications of this technology, espousing diverse perspectives to make this a unique scientific resource on self–ligation. The book embraces all aspects of self–ligating brackets, extending from therapeutic outcome, to biomechanics, materials, and treatment manifestations. Each chapter addresses a specific question pertinent to the properties and clinical performance of self–ligating brackets including: force and moment generation during engagement; temporal variation of force in active self–ligating brackets; periodontal considerations and oral microbiota alterations; root resorption; treatment efficiency and associated dental effects. A work of substantial, thoughtful, and useful scholarship, Self–Ligation in Orthodontics will be a significant resource for clinicians and researchers in orthodontics, and related dental specialists. • First comprehensive resource on self–ligation in orthodontics • Surveys available peer–reviewed evidence • Epitomizes the management of self–ligating treatment suggesting important treatment concepts and tips for the practicing clinician • Includes diverse perspectives to provide a balanced and scholarly approach • Richly illustrated with detailed color clinical images