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  Bioactive peptides: Applications for Improving Nutrition and Health
    Категория: Биологические науки » Биохимия. Биофизика
Bioactive peptides: Applications for Improving Nutrition and Health title=
Автор: Richard Owusu-Apenten
Издательство: CRC Press
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 1439813639
Количество страниц: 416
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 3 Мб
Каталожный номер: 61254
Weight loss is a common reaction to infection, injury, or chronic disease. Many well-known host responses to illness contribute to muscle loss. Ensuring adequate lean body mass is of major concern in health care. Bioactive peptides and medical foods represent new approaches for addressing the metabolic derangements and nutritional defi cits that contribute to unwanted weight loss. This book describes the latest research on the application of bioactive peptides for improving nutrition and health. We present the background science in Chapters 1 through 5 on the relations between illness and muscle weight loss. Chapters 6 through 9 deal with the use of bioative peptides to modify aspects of the host response to illness, including infl ammation, antimicrobial activity, anabolic dysfunction, and anorexia.

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