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  Human Evolution. An Illustrated Introduction
    Категория: Биологические науки » Палеонтология. Ископаемые останки
Human Evolution. An Illustrated Introduction title=
Автор: Roger Lewin
Издательство: Blackwell Publishing
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 1-4051-0378-7
Количество страниц: 284
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10 Мб
Каталожный номер: 9293
The brief length and focused coverage of Human Evolution: An Illustrated Introduction have made this best-selling textbook the ideal complement to any biology or anthropology course in which human evolution is taught. The text places human evolution in the context of humans as animals, while also showing the physical context of human evolution, including climate change and the impact of extinctions. Chapter introductions, numerous drawings and photographs, and an essential glossary all add to the accessibility of this text.The fifth edition has been thoroughly updated to include coverage of the latest discoveries and perspectives, including: New early hominid fossils from Africa and Georgia, and their implications; New archaeological evidence from Africa on the origin of modern humans; Updated coverage of prehistoric art, including new sites; New perspectives on molecular evidence and their implications for human population history. The brief length and focused coverage ofHuman Evolution: An Illustrated Introduction have made this best-selling textbook the ideal complement to any biology or anthropology course in which human evolution is taught. The text places human evolution in the context of humans as animals, while also showing the physical context of human evolution, including climate change and the impact of extinctions. Chapter introductions, numerous drawings and photographs, and an essential glossary all add to the accessibility of this text.The fifth edition has been thoroughly updated to include coverage of the latest discoveries and perspectives, including: New early hominid fossils from Africa and Georgia, and their implications; New archaeological evidence from Africa on the origin of modern humans; Updated coverage of prehistoric art, including new sites; New perspectives on molecular evidence and their implications for human population history.

Похожие публикации:

  • The Human Impact on the Natural Environment, 6th ed.
  • Malaria
  • The First Humans - Origin and Early Evolution of the Genus Homo
  • A History of India
  • Human Evolution: Trails from the Past
  • The Call of Distant Mammoths: Why The Ice Age Mammals Disappeared
  • Ecosystems
  • Early Humans: The Pleistocene & Holocene Epochs (The Prehistoric Earth)
  • Human Anatomy for Artists
  • Evolution and the Fossil Record

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