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  Nature's Music: The Science of Birdsong
    Категория: Биологические науки » Зоология позвоночных. Животные » Орнитология. Птицы
Nature's Music: The Science of Birdsong title=
Автор: Peter R. Marler, Hans Slabbekoorn
Издательство: Ac----ic Press
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 0124730701
Количество страниц: 504
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11 Мб
Каталожный номер: 46725
The voices of birds have always been a source of fascination. Nature's Music brings together some of the world's experts on birdsong, to review the advances that have taken place in our understanding of how and why birds sing, what their songs and calls mean, and how they have evolved. All contributors have striven to speak, not only to fellow experts, but also to the general reader. The result is a book of readable science, richly illustrated with recordings and pictures of the sounds of birds.
Bird song is much more than just one behaviour of a single, particular group of organisms. It is a model for the study of a wide variety of animal behaviour systems, ecological, evolutionary and neurobiological. Bird song sits at the intersection of breeding, social and cognitive behaviour and ecology. As such interest in this book will extend far beyond the purely ornithological - to behavioural ecologists psychologists and neurobiologists of all kinds.
Ключевые теги: brings

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