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  The Unofficial Guide: The Color Companion to Walt Disney World (Unofficial Guides)
    Категория: Детский уголок » Обучающая, развивающая литература
The Unofficial Guide: The Color Companion to Walt Disney World (Unofficial Guides) title=
Автор: Bob Sehlinger, Len Testa
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 0470497742
Количество страниц: 384
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 49 Мб
Каталожный номер: 38924
The Color Companion is perfect for pairing with The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World ("the big book") or it can stand alone to provide you with what you need to know in a flash when you're visiting the park. While the Unofficial Guide gives you more than 800 pages of highly detailed information on planning, staying and surviving your visit to Walt Disney World, The Color Companion also takes the "Unofficial" approach, but SHOWS you where you'll be staying and what you'll be doing -- in a trim 360-page book, perfect for tucking into a backpack or totebag.
This unique visual guide that lets you see how wet you'll get on Splash Mountain® (p. 166), what the crowd conditions are at different times of day in Fantasyland® (p. 34), and how the parks are decked out for various holidays (p. 280). Hundreds of fun full-color photos make this book a perfect keepsake, as well as an incredibly useful on-the-ground resource. The Color Companion provides reviews of all the Walt Disney World® resorts, including pictures of the guest rooms, swimming pools, and resort themes. As with the Unofficial "big book", attractions and resorts are rated based on surveys of thousands of Walt Disney World® guests and the proven, firsthand advice will teach you how to plan and save money on your Walt Disney World® vacation. As always, The Unofficial series is completely independent. If a restaurant serves lackluster food or an attraction is not worth the wait, we'll tell you.
Ключевые теги: Disney

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