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  Microsoft Windows Internals
    Категория: Компьютерная литература » Операционные системы » Windows
Microsoft Windows Internals title=
Автор: Mark E. Russinovich, David A. Solomon
Издательство: Microsoft Press
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 0735619174
Количество страниц: 976
Язык: english
Формат: CHM
Размер: 10 Мб
Каталожный номер: 10226

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The classic, in-depth developer's guide to the Windows kernel now covers Windows .NET Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000. Written by noted Windows internals experts David Solomon and Mark Russinovich in collaboration with the Microsoft Windows .NET Server product development team, this book packs the latest concepts and terms, kernel and source code specifics, undocumented interfaces, component and tool descriptions, and architectural perspectives that reveal the inner workings of the operating system. Special callouts highlight information that is specific to a particular version of Windows, and an advanced troubleshooting section helps you more easily decipher-and exploit-system operations and performance.

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  • Integrating PHP with Windows
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  • Windows Server 2003 Bible
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  • Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out
  • Microsoft Windows XP Power Toolkit
  • Hacking Windows XP
  • Windows 2000 Server System Administration Handbook
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  • Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows XP Professional

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