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  Configuring Exchange 2000 Server
    Категория: Windows, «Syngress»
Configuring Exchange 2000 Server title=
Издательство: Syngress
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 1-928994-25-3
Количество страниц: 672
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 7 Мб
Каталожный номер: 35
Configuring Exchange Server 2000 is an intermediate to advanced book for both administrators and developers who are actively using Exchange 4.0/5.0/5.5/2000 products. The authors are IT professionals that are actively implementing Exchange and Windows 2000. Each chapter communicates the essential theory and methodology required. First this book reviews the essentials of Active Directory and Security that you must understand to implement Exchange 2000. Basic methodology and the improvements in administering Exchange 2000 are covered. The Client chapter covers setting up VPNs, architecting physical local and remote access for these clients. Outlook, OWA, POP3, LDAP and LDAP clients are detailed on how you will implement them today. You'll find a great advanced section on how to create an Outlook install package and create a group policy to install it. You can depend on the Deploying Exchange 2000 chapter to help you successfully move to Exchange 2000 - whether a new install or a migration. Step by step scenarios will assist you. Next, how to protect your Exchange server from hackers, attacks, and spamming contains insight into which components of Exchange are vulnerable. Configuring Exchange Server 2000 is one of the first books to detail Conference Server, Instant Messaging and Chat. It will get you started on planning, installing, configuring, and even troubleshooting. What book would be complete with Backup/Restore, ASP, and Clustering? Well plenty of them, but not this book. The introduction of the multiple stores will require you to re-think your configuration and possibly backup strategy. Make sure you read this chapter to understand how to restore individual stores. The chapter on designing, installing, and configuring Exchange Server 2000 for ASP's contains details and tips that are first in an Exchange 2000 book. Next, Clustering Exchange 2000 is a treat. Configuring Exchange Server 2000 details step by step how to install Windows 2000 clustering and then Exchange Server 2000 clustering. Finally, the Troubleshooting chapter contains the basic steps to keep and get your Exchange Server up. Here architecture is explained in tandem with troubleshooting steps to make sure you are troubleshooting the correct components. Remember, it is just as important to know what is NOT causing the problem, as is what is.

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