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  Windows 2000 Configuration Wizards
    Категория: Windows, «Syngress»
Windows 2000 Configuration Wizards title=
Издательство: Syngress
Год издания: 2000
isbn: 1-928994-08-3
Количество страниц: 465
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 5 Мб
Каталожный номер: 59
Windows 2000 Configuration Wizards is a guide to the many time-saving wizards available in Windows 2000. By using wizards, administrators can easily manage Windows 2000 setup and configuration, Active Directory, network connections, remote access, Internet Information Services, hardwa re, Intellimirror, and more! Every chapter features a wizard and is organized in three main sections, all designed to make your life easy and Windows 2000 configuration a snap. First, the wizard's purpose is explained. Second, the information needed in order to work with the wizard is presented---you won't be caught without information at your fingertips! Third, step-by-step instructions walk you through using the wizard and tell you what to do at each screen.

Похожие публикации:

  • Network Administration with FreeBSD 7
  • Windows .NET Server 2003 Domains & Active Directory
  • Windows 2000 Server System Administration Handbook
  • Windows 2000 Active Directory, Second Edition
  • Deploying Windows 2000 With Support Tools
  • Configuring Windows 2000 Without Active Directory
  • Configuring Exchange 2000 Server
  • Configuring Citrix MetaFrame for Windows 2000 Terminal Services
  • Building a Cisco Network for Windows 2000
  • Hack Proofing Windows 2000

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