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  Practical C# Charts and Graphics
    Категория: Компьютерная литература » Языки программирования » С, С++, С#
Practical C# Charts and Graphics title=
Автор: Xu J.
Издательство: UniCAD
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 572
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 4 Мб
Каталожный номер: 73907
"Practical C# Charts and Graphics" is not just a book, but a powerful 2D and 3D chart and graphics package. You may find that some of the examples in this book can be immediately used in your real-world problems, and that some may give you inspiration to add advanced graphical and sophisticated chart capabilities to your .NET applications.

This book and and its sample code listings, which are available for download from our website at publishing.unicadinc.com, provide you with:
A complete, in-depth instruction to practical chart and graphics programming in visual C# and GDI+. After reading this book and running the example programs, you will be able to create various sophisticated charts and graphics in your C# applications.

Ready-to-run example programs that allow you to explore the chart and graphics techniques described in the book. You can use these examples to get a better understanding of how the chart and graphics algorithms work. You can also modify the code or add new features to them to form the basis of your own programs. Some of the example code listings provided with this book are already sophisticated chart and graphics packages, and can be directly used in your own real-world applications.
Ключевые теги: Practical C# Charts and Graphics

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