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  Building a Cisco Network for Windows 2000
    Категория: Cisco, «Syngress»
Building a Cisco Network for Windows 2000 title=
Издательство: Syngress
Год издания: 2000
isbn: 1-928994-00-8
Количество страниц: 600
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 6 Мб
Каталожный номер: 24
The release of Windows 2000 Server represents a major advance in the integration of Microsoft's and Cisco's network technologies. Windows 2000 provides an LDAP-compliant directory service called Active Directory. It is accessible over any TCP/IP based internetwork, including the Internet. As such, the Active Directory is the foundation of this book. Coverage also includes: Quality of Service (QoS). Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Telephony applications for Cisco’s IOS and Microsoft’s Windows 2000 IP Routing Streaming data This book is unique in that it explores the technologies of Cisco and Microsoft both separately and together. If you have a network that uses either Cisco equipment or Microsoft Windows 2000, you will find the book useful. If you have a network that uses both Cisco equipment and Microsoft Windows 2000, you will find the book invaluable.

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