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  Practical Beekeeping
    Категория: Домоводство, досуг, Домашние питомцы
Practical Beekeeping title=
Автор: Tompkins E., Griffith R.
Издательство: Garden Way
Год издания: 1983
Количество страниц: 228
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 50 Мб
Каталожный номер: 98994
The Garden Way family has gradually been turning to bees. More and more members of that family, already deep into gardening, have wanted something more. Beekeeping has supplied the need. The initial cost is small. Practically no space is required. The results are so sweet. And families have found beekeeping a delightful project, one in which grade-school age children could participate—and use for those school papers. These families, and others of our readers, have increasingly expressed a desire for a Garden Way book on the subject. Their requirements were extremely specific. Some had had difficulty, after purchasing bees, in installing them in the hive. Others found it difficult to open the hive. Give us specific information—and pictures as well, they demanded.We also wanted to provide information for the more advanced beekeeper, the one who is a professional, or nearly so. The most logical way to get this information was to read through the many state and federal government bulletins on beekeeping, and to take from them the most pertinent material, offering it in easy-to-find fashion.
Сейчас все больше и больше семей, которые занимались садоводством или огородничеством начали возвращаться к пчеловодству. Пчелы выгодны тем, что на них не нужны большие денежные затраты и места они требуют не очень много. Данная книга ветерана пчеловодства Еноха Томпкинса будет полезной как для начинающих, так и для продвинутых пчеловодов. В пособии содержится информация по разведению, содержанию, об основных болезнях пчел и подробно описано, какое оборудование нужно при работе с пчелами и продуктами пчеловодства.
Ключевые теги: пчелы

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