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  The Coming to America Cookbook: Delicious Recipes and Fascinating Stories from America's Many Cultures
    Категория: Домоводство, досуг » Кулинария, пища
The Coming to America Cookbook: Delicious Recipes and Fascinating Stories from America's Many Cultures title=
Автор: Joan D\'Amico, Karen E. Drummond
Издательство: Wiley
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 0471483354
Количество страниц: 193
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 13 Мб
Каталожный номер: 69211
Who knew culture could be so delicious? In THE COMING TO AMERICA COOKBOOK, you'll discover how America's immigrants have lived and dined over the centuries. This scrumptious survey of a wide variety of cuisine--Mexican, Irish, Chinese, Moroccan, Turkish, Ethiopian, Nigerian, and many more--blends together an appetizing mix of kid-friendly recipes and fun food facts throughout each chapter.
Kids will have a great time learning about each culture's distinctive foods and traditions while they cook up easy and yummy recipes, including:
* NAAN, a bread made with yogurt, which is a staple of Indian cooking
* SAVORY SHRIMP OVER RICE, a recipe from Northern Italy passed down through generations
* BRATWURST WITH SAUERKRAUT, a favorite dish of Wisconsin, where many Germans settles in the nineteenth century
* BANANA STRAWBERRY BATIDOS, icy Cuban drinks that are as common as cola in cities with many Cuban residents, such as Miami
* DUTCH WINDMILL COOKIES, which are traditionally made in the Netherlands at Christmas time
THE COMING TO AMERICA COOKBOOK also includes information on cooking tools and skills, with important rules for kitchen safety and cleaning up.

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