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  Configuring Cisco AVVID
    Категория: Cisco, «Syngress»
Configuring Cisco AVVID title=
Издательство: Syngress
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 1-928994-14-8
Количество страниц: 386
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 4 Мб
Каталожный номер: 33
AVVID (Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data) is a network architecture made up of hardware and software that transmits a company’s data such as e-mail, web traffic, file transfers, voice traffic, and video traffic over the same physical computer network. Imagine taking the three networks your company currently has and combining them into a single or converged infrastructure? Wouldn’t that make managing, budgeting, and staffing easier? Configuring Cisco AVVID will introduce you to the new AVVID components from Cisco that can save hard dollars and increase a company's overall performance. Configuring Cisco AVVID will give IT professionals, ISPs, and engineers the first insight into how each piece of hardware and each software application function independently, as well as how they interoperate, forming a completely converged solution. It covers the hardware and software components of AVVID, including Cisco Router, Cisco Catalyst Switch, Cisco IP Telephones, Cisco Call Manager Server (MCS 7800), Analog and Digital Gateways, Voice Trunks, Voice Modules, Call Manager 3.0, Soft Phone, Web Attendant, and Active Voice.

Похожие публикации:

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  • Internetworking Technologies Handbook
  • Video Conferencing over IP. Configure, Secure and Troubleshoot
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