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  Langfords Advanced Photography 7th Edition
    Категория: Хобби, коллекционирование » Фотография
Langfords Advanced Photography 7th Edition title=
Автор: Langford M., Bilissi E.
Издательство: Focal Press
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 978-0-240-52038-4
Количество страниц: 429
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 13 Мб
Каталожный номер: 18054
The 7th edition of Langford's Advanced Photography brings this bestselling advanced guide right up to date, with Michael Langford's renowned level of technical detail now extended to cover all the latest in digital technology. Whether you are a serious enthusiast, a student or a training professional this book covers it all; from cameras, lenses, digital imaging sensors and films to insights into photography as an industry and how to manage accounts, charge for jobs and self promote to kick start your career. Genres are explored, from portraiture and photojournalism to aerial photography, and in-depth coverage of digital manipulation, film processing, colour theory, archiving and storage provide everything you need to know to extend your art into professional realms.

Похожие публикации:

  • Langford's Starting Photography, 4th ed
  • Alternative Digital Photography
  • Langford's Advanced Photography, 8th Edition
  • Langford's Basic Photography, 9-th ed.
  • Langford's Starting Photography, 6-th ed.
  • Mastering Digital SLR Photography, 3-ed
  • Chemistry of Photography
  • Professional Architectural Photography
  • Digital Art Photography For Dummies
  • How To Do Everything with Your Digital Camera

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