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  Pharaoh's Flowers: The Botanical Treasures of Tutankhamun, 2nd Edition
    Категория: Гуманитарные науки » Исторические науки » Археология
Pharaoh's Flowers: The Botanical Treasures of Tutankhamun, 2nd Edition title=
Автор: F. Nigel Hepper
Издательство: KWS Publishers
Год издания: 2009
isbn: 098177363X
Количество страниц: 101
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 19 Мб
Каталожный номер: 102058
As the golden face of Tutankhamun was found garlanded with fresh flowers exquisitely preserved for 3,000 years, the plants of ancient Egypt are brought back to life in this botanical exploration of the Pharaoh's tomb. Usually ignored by grave robbers intent on gold, the baskets, fabrics, papyri, timber, unguent vases, and model granaries filled to the brim with seeds that were buried with Tutankhamun have survived, completely intact, and each chapter of the book carries detailed descriptions of the plant species found or represented in the tomb, including emmer, fenugreek, chickpea, and types of reed and grass. F. Nigel Hepper groups the plants according to their uses, with categories such as Flowers and Leaves; Oils, Resins, and Perfumes; and Papyrus, Flax, and Other Fibrous Plants. This new edition of the fascinating book that was first published in 1990 has been fully updated to take into account recent finds and interpretations, and it features a revised and annotated further reading section, now with a guide to websites; a glossary of botanical terms; a new diagram of the tomb; additional illustrations; and a Bible references section, keyed to the main text and with quotations from the Old Testament that illuminate ancient botanical knowledge and practices.

Похожие публикации:

  • The Tomb of Three Foreign Wives of Tuthmosis III
  • Botany Illustrated
  • Totally Organic Hydroponics
  • Ancient Egyptian Design Coloring Book (Dover Pictorial Archives)
  • The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Succulents
  • Plant Physiological Ecology
  • The Tomb of King Tutankhamen
  • Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide (Texas Natural History Guides)
  • Handbook of Medicinal Herbs
  • Practical Science for Gardeners

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