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  The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire
    Категория: Гуманитарные науки » Исторические науки » Всемирная история, древний мир
The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire title=
Автор: Marian Kent
Издательство: Taylor & Francis
Год издания: 2005
Количество страниц: 249
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 2 Мб
Каталожный номер: 44064
The disappearance of the Ottoman Empire had been foretold since the end of the eighteenth century. But, since it was not finally abolished by the Turkish Grand National Assembly in the newly established capital in Ankara until 1924, in fact it survived its traditional enemies, the Russian and Habsburg Empires, and its disastrous ally, the German Empire, by six or seven years. Moreover, during the First World War, at Gallipoli and Kut, the Ottoman Empire was able to inflict some impressive defeats on its former ally, after 1914 its most ambitious and dangerous enemy, the British Empire.
The mysterious combination of weakness and strength which characterised the Ottoman Empire in its last decades is the subject of The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire. It contains seven chapters. The first, by Feroz Ahmad, author of the only account in English of the Young Turks in power, deals with aspects of the internal policy of the Empire. In the other chapters F. R. Bridge, R. J. B. Bosworth, Alan Bodger, Ulrich Trumpener, L. Bruce Fulton and Marian Kent describe, respectively, the relations of the Habsburg Monarchy, Italy, Russia, Germany, France and Great Britain with the Ottoman Empire after 1900. Each chapter gives an excellent account of the subject, based on archival as well as printed sources, and there is an extensive and up-to-date bibliography. The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire, is therefore, indispensable for anyone interested in the history.
Ключевые теги: история

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