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  Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology
    Категория: Гуманитарные науки » Энциклопедии и справочники
Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology title=
Автор: Yolanda (Yo) K. (Kaye) Jackson
Издательство: Sage Publications
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 1412909481
Количество страниц: 493
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 6 Мб
Каталожный номер: 13842
We live in a multicultural world, and professionals from a variety of fields are faced with challenges brought by differences that are in some cases only recently recognized or accommodated. The Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology is a welcome addition to the literature that attempts to define these differences. According to its introduction, this volume, the work of almost 200 academic contributors, is intended for "laypersons, students, and professionals new to the field with an interest in the role of culture in psychology." Among the A-Z entries are articles for ethnic groups, for example, Alaska natives, Cuban Americans, and Vietnamese Americans . Each of these articles gives background for the group, a history of its immigration, information about acculturation, and more. Major areas of concern, such as Depression, Posttraumatic stress disorder, and Stress are defined and discussed in general, and then with respect to various groups. Topics such as Bilingual education, Intelligence tests, Racism and discrimination, Religion , and Transracial adoption are discussed with an emphasis on the differences that culture brings to these issues. Series of entries cover culture-specific syndromes, indigenous healing, and religious and spiritual beliefs. The articles are for the most part at least one page in length. Many are much longer, and most include bibliographies. There is good use of see also references. An alphabetical list of articles and a thematic guide can be found at the beginning of the volume. The index is sufficiently detailed.

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