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  Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World (Vol.1-2)
    Категория: Энциклопедии и справочники, Энциклопедии издательства «Gale Inc.»
Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World (Vol.1-2) title=
Автор: Richard C. Martin
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2004
isbn: 0-02-865603-2
Количество страниц: 874
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 29 Мб
Каталожный номер: 8036
The Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World presents in two volumes some 504 articles, alphabetically arranged, in incremental lengths generally of 200, 500, 1,000, 3,000, and 5,000 words. The work of some 500 scholars appears in these pages, carefully reviewed and edited in a common style for easy access by readers who may presently have limited or no knowledge of Islam. It has also been prepared as a teaching and learning resource for teachers and students, from the high school grades through university. The alphabetical ordering of articles that follow, in the List of Articles, will enable readers to locate topics of interest quickly. A synoptic outline of the contents of the Encyclopedia, found within the frontmatter on pages xxxi–xxxiv, provides readers with an overview by topic and subtopic of the range and kinds of information presented in the main body of the Encyclopedia. Approximately 170 photographs, drawings, maps, and charts appear throughout the two volumes. A glossary in the back matter of volume two, which lists commonly used Arabic and other Islamic terms, such as sharia, or "Islamic law," will enable general readers to determine quickly the meaning of essential but perhaps less familiar terms in Islamic studies.

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