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  Middle Ages (Vol.1) Almanac
    Категория: Энциклопедии и справочники, Энциклопедии издательства «Gale Inc.»
Middle Ages (Vol.1) Almanac title=
Автор: Judson Knight
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 0-7876-4856-6
Количество страниц: 267
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 13 Мб
Каталожный номер: 8261
Middle Ages: Almanac includes 19 chapters arranged by geographic location and dedicated to a different civilization, their origins, conflicts and struggles for power in the Middle Ages. From the Arab and Muslim worlds to the European Crusades, Middle Ages: Almanac presents the phases of history that defined the era. Each chapter begins with a map displaying the geographic location of the civilization followed by a description of its origins, history and importance. Also included are sidebars containing lists of unfamiliar words and suggestions for classroom activities as well as 100 photographs and illustrations, sidebars, timeline, glossary, and a subject index.

Похожие публикации:

  • The Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of Warfare: The Middle Ages 768-1487
  • World History: The Human Experience The Early Ages
  • A History of Medieval Islam
  • Middle Ages (Vol.5) Cumulative Index
  • Middle Ages (Vol.4) Primary Sources
  • Middle Ages (Vol.3) Biographies (J-Z)
  • Middle Ages (Vol.2) Biographies (A-I)
  • World War II (Vol.2) Almanac
  • World War II (Vol.1) Almanac
  • The Armies of Islam 7th–11th Centuries - (Men-at-Arms, 125)

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