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  Gardner's Art Through the Ages
    Категория: Живопись, графика, скульптура, музеи, Искусствоведение, культурология
Gardner's Art Through the Ages title=
Автор: Fred S. Kleiner
Издательство: Wadsworth Publishing
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 049579452X
Количество страниц: 224
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 38 Мб
Каталожный номер: 88228
As fascinating as a real visit to the world's famous museums and architectural sites, GARDNER'S ART THROUGH THE AGES: THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE gives you a comprehensive, beautifully illustrated tour of the world's great artistic traditions--plus all the study tools you need to excel in your art history course! Easy to read and understand, this 13th Edition of the most widely read history of art book in the English language is the only textbook that includes a unique "scale" feature (accompanying the book's photographs of paintings and other artworks) that will help you better visualize the actual size of the artworks shown in the book. Three levels of review including extended image captions, "The Big Picture" overviews at the end of every chapter, and a special global timeline will help you study for your exams. You'll also find materials that will help you master the key topics quickly in the ArtStudy Online (a free interactive study guide that includes flash cards of images and quizzes).

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