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  Notable Acquisitions, 1979–1980
    Категория: Живопись, графика, скульптура, музеи, Искусствоведение, культурология
Notable Acquisitions, 1979–1980 title=
Автор: коллектив
Издательство: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Год издания: 1980
isbn: 0870992538
Количество страниц: 79
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 13 Мб
Каталожный номер: 90053
In any normal year so important and beautiful a work of art as the English Gothic ivory Virgin and Child acquired for The Cloisters would be a natural choice for the cover of this publication. It is a work of the utmost rarity, one of three extant English Gothic ivories, and the perfect pendant for the Bury St. Edmunds Cross, which so magnificently represents the Romanesque period in England at The Cloisters. But this year like the last has not been "any normal year," owing once again to the extraordinary generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, who have given to the Museum an outstanding gift, the Portrait of a Young Woman by Johannes Vermeer. Invested with those special qualities that lift only a very few works of art to the level of the universal masterpiece, the Vermeer clearly and preemptively commands the cover. This haunting picture, one of the fewer than forty autograph works by this great poet among painters, is rare and unusual even within his oeuvre, as it is a bust-length portrait comparable in size and character only to a portrait of a girl by the artist in the Mauritshuis, The Hague. The mysterious and ineffable quality of the Wrightsman portrait led Théophile Thoré, the French critic who rediscovered Vermeer over a century ago, to compare the painting to the Mona Lisa.

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  • The Year 1200: A Background Survey
  • Professional Portrait Photography
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  • Liechtenstein: The Princely Collections
  • Vermeer and the Delft School
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  • Studio Portrait Photography of Children and Babies

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