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  Mucocutaneous Manifestations of Viral Diseases: An Illustrated Guide to Diagnosis and Management, Second Edition
    Категория: Медицина, здравоохранение, Прочая медицинская литература
Mucocutaneous Manifestations of Viral Diseases: An Illustrated Guide to Diagnosis and Management, Second Edition title=
Автор: Stephen Tyring, Angela Yen Moore, Omar Lupi
Издательство: Informa Healthcare
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 1420073125
Количество страниц: 630
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 35 Мб
Каталожный номер: 37762
Expertly distinguish viral diseases from other infectious or noninfectious diseases and choose the most effective treatment with this definitive Second Edition.
The only existing text to address issues of skin manifestations of viral disease, Mucocutaneous Manifestations of Viral Diseases explores the diagnosis, treatment, and pathogenesis of viral diseases that infiltrate the skin and affiliated mucous membranes.
Readers will find new information on: the new controversial HPV vaccines the latest laboratory finding diseases previously known only in developing countrie ocular and oral manifestations of viral diseas manifestations of prion infection common diseases (all variations of human herpes, hepatitis, pox, etc. rare diseases (Crimean-Congo virus, Junin, Dengue fever, etc.)
Organized by specific disease, each chapter in this user-friendly text includes: a timeline of infection and pathogenesis of the diseas a brief taxonomy and history of the diseas tabular information to be used for quick reference by the physician color illustrations of epidermal and cellular manifestation methods of differential diagnosi disease incidence among gender and age groups by geographical regio specific antiviral and prophylaxis recommendations laboratory findings and lab tests used to confirm diagnosis and specific antiviral drugs and vaccines treatment/prophylaxis methods
Ключевые теги: Mucocutaneous

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    Опубликовал: nbvcxz | 20-06-2010, 11:13 | Просмотров: 969   Комментарии (0)  Печать

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