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  Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language
    Категория: Медицина, здравоохранение » Неврология, нервная система
Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language title=
Автор: Maxim I.Stamenov, Vittorio Gallese
Издательство: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 9027251665
Количество страниц: 401
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 3.8 Мб
Каталожный номер: 42901
This collective volume brings together selected contributions to the symposium on “Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language”. Themeeting took place July 5–8, 2000, at the premises and with the financial support of the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, Germany. The aim of the symposium was to discuss the status of the recent scientific discovery of the so called ‘mirror neurons’ and its potential consequences, more specifically from the point of view of our understanding of the evolution of brain, aspects of social intelligence (like imitation, behavioral and communicative role identification and theory of mind) and language from monkeys to primates to humans.

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