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  Medical Geology: A Regional Synthesis (International Year of Planet Earth)
    Категория: Медицина, здравоохранение » Прочая медицинская литература
Medical Geology: A Regional Synthesis (International Year of Planet Earth) title=
Автор: Olle Selinus, Robert B. Finkelman, Jose A. Centeno
Издательство: Springer
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 9048134293
Количество страниц: 559
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 Мб
Каталожный номер: 38297
Medical Geology is a rapidly growing field concerned with the relationship between natural geological factors and human and animal health, as well as with improving our understanding of the influence of environmental factors on the geographical distribution of health problems. This book brings together the work of geoscientists and medical/public health researchers, which addresses health problems caused, or exacerbated by geological materials (rocks, minerals, atmospheric dust and water) and processes (including volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Among the environmental health problems discussed in this book are: exposure to toxic levels of trace essential and non-essential elements such as arsenic and mercury; trace element deficiencies; exposure to natural dusts and to radioactivity; naturally occurring organic compounds in drinking water; volcanic emissions, etc. The text also deals with the many health benefits of geologic materials and processes.
Ключевые теги: Medical

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    Опубликовал: nbvcxz | 1-07-2010, 05:54 | Просмотров: 783   Комментарии (0)  Печать

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