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  Between the Gates: Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and the Body of Light in Western Esotericism
    Категория: Медицина, здравоохранение » Прочая медицинская литература
Between the Gates: Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and the Body of Light in Western Esotericism title=
Автор: Mark Stavish
Издательство: Weiser Books
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 1578633966
Количество страниц: 269
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 1.3 Мб
Каталожный номер: 41739
One of the most overused phrases in the English language these days is "I just don't have the time." It's particularly familiar to those of us who teach spiritual traditions that place regular practice and the development of the self's hidden potentials at center stage. If you'd like to get a rueful laugh wherever teachers of spirituality gather, just ask how many students utter those words when asked to put even so little as ten minutes a day into some form of inner work. Granted, leisure time can be in short supply these days, and an industrial society that thrives on the manufacture of artificial desires has no shortage of distractions to throw in the way of the novice in any spiritual path. Yet it's equally true that much of what passes for a shortage of spare time can be solved by figuring out one's real priorities and paying attention to where time actually goes. Plenty of people who are convinced that they have no time for an inner life spend time every evening staring blankly at TV shows that don't really interest them, or fidget away an hour or more on a commuter train every workday. And, of course, nearly every one of us spends six or eight hours coursing through the realms of dream every night, only to brush aside the fading memories of our inner adventures as we stumble from bed to shower to breakfast table to front door.

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