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  Mathematical foundations and biomechanics of the digestive system
    Категория: Медицина, здравоохранение » Прочая медицинская литература
Mathematical foundations and biomechanics of the digestive system title=
Автор: Roustem N.Miftahof, Hong Gil Nam
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 0521116627
Количество страниц: 242
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 5 Мб
Каталожный номер: 58384
Recent technological advances in various fields of applied science have radically transformed the strategies and vision of biomedical research. While only a few decades ago scientists were largely restricted to studying parts of biological systems in isolation, mathematical and computational modelling now enable the use of holistic approaches to analyse data spanning multiple biological levels and traditionally disconnected fields. Mathematical modelling of organs and systems is a new frontier in the biosciences and promises to provide a comprehensive understanding of complex biological phenomena as more than the sum of their parts. Recognizing this opportunity, many academic centres worldwide have established new focuses on this rapidly expanding field that brings together scientists working in applied mathematics, mechanics, computer science, bioengineering, physics, biology and medicine. A common goal of this effort is to stimulate the study of challenging problems in medicine on the basis of abstraction, modelling and general physical principles.

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