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  SS - Heimwehr Danzig (Militaria 195)
    Категория: Военное дело » История войн
SS - Heimwehr Danzig (Militaria 195) title=
Автор: Rolf Michaelis
Издательство: Wydawnictwo Militaria
Год издания: 2003
isbn: 8372191824
Количество страниц: 66
Язык: другой
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 11 Мб
Каталожный номер: 34716
Язык: польский с английским саммари
The SS-Heimwehr Danzig was a paramilitary unit set up by the Germans from their Totenkopf units to establish an armed presence in the Polish-dominated city of Danzig. An unusual unit in respect of it's size - incorporating engineers, anti-tank and signals units amongst others, it saw action around Danzig during the Battle of Poland in 1939, fighting in the battles for the city (notably the battle for the Polish Post Office) and the surrounding areas. In the latter sphere they took part in actions on the Vistula bridge at Dirschau, the battle for the Westerplatte, finally assisting the German Army forces attempting to take the Oxhöfter Kämpe.
The book gives a full listing of the organisation of the unit, including the names of officers commanding it’s various units. It gives a full Roll of Honour for the fallen and gives details on special medals and awards given to the unit, such as the Danzig Cross.Polish text with English captions/summary, 148 b&w photos, 7 colour pages, maps.

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  • Tank Power vol. XXXVIII. Barbarossa 1941 vol. II (Militaria 262)
  • Tank Power vol.XX. Su-85/100/122 (Militaria 240)
  • American Civil War Armies (5) Volunteers Militia - (Men-at-Arms, 207)

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