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  Combat Support in Korea
    Категория: Военное дело » История войн
Combat Support in Korea title=
Автор: John G. Westover
Издательство: Center of Military History United States Army
Год издания: 1990
Количество страниц: 268
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 2 Мб
Каталожный номер: 64013
U.S. Army in Action Series.
The contributions of combat service support soldiers to the success of American armies have often been overlooked by both historians and the public. Thus, it is altogether fitting that this first volume in the Army in Action Series should be John G. Westover’s compilation of short, but instructive, pieces on service and support activities during the Korean War. The Center of Military History has received many requests for a reprint of this work, which was first published by the Combat Forces Press in 1955; it is a useful companion volume to Russell A. Gugeler’s Combat Actions in Korea, which was reprinted in 1984 as part of the Army Historical Series. Both Westover’s subject and technique are worthy of study and comment. While the details of combat actions in America’s wars have been studied extensively, comparatively little has been done to enlighten the soldier of today regarding how logistical operations were conducted at the small unit level. This book will serve to repair that omission. Westover compiled this book primarily from a series of interviews conducted with men actually involved in the events “at ground level.” The oral history technique, which Army historians did much to develop in World War II and later, is now an accepted historical method. The value of oral history as a means of getting to the details is amply demonstrated here.

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