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  The biograph in battle its story in the South African War related with personal experiences
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The biograph in battle its story in the South African War related with personal experiences title=
Автор: William K. L. Dickson
Издательство: London T. Fisher Unwin
Год издания: 1901
Количество страниц: 296
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 46 Мб
Каталожный номер: 65246
Уильям Кеннеди Л. Диксон, находясь Южной Африке с армией генерала Редверса Буллера, был очевидцем военных действий при Ледисмите, Спион Копе и Коленсо во время Англо-бурской войны 1899—1902 годов, где сделал множество походных военных фотографий.

Mr. Dickson has succeeded in biographically reproducing actual battle scenes. He had the good fortune to obtain unique privileges and permits from the military authorities, so that he saw and heard things which probably came within the ken of no other civilian, and by the use of the telephoto, together with great personal hardship, risk, and daring, he was able to get photographs of things which never before came into the eye of the camera. He was with Sir Redvers Buller's army through its arduous march to Ladysmith, and was an eye-witness of Colenso, Spion Kop, etc., and of the entry into Ladysmith. While on the march and in camp he was enabled to be continually at the part where " things were happening " ; he has been in the direct bring line frequently by design and on occasion accidentally and almost disastrously, and his travelling experiences under storm and stress of circumstances throw an instructive, though marvellously cheerful, light on the joys of camping out on the veldt.
Ключевые теги: война, сражение

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