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  Aeromodeller Vol.27 No.02
    Категория: Военное дело » Военные журналы
Aeromodeller Vol.27 No.02 title=
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: Model Aeronautical Press Ltd
Год издания: 1961
Количество страниц: 58
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 11 Мб
Каталожный номер: 60102
'Aero Modeller' (or Aeromodeller) was for decades the premier magazine for flying model aircraft. The first issue was dated November 1935. At its peak during the 1950s and 1960s it progessively absorbed a number of rivals, being called 'Aero Modeller now incorporating Model Aircraft' by February 1966, and 'Aero Modeller incorporating the Model Aeroplane Constructor and Model Aircraft' by 1968.
Alongside the many features related to aeromodelling, each issue typically included one or two features on full-size aircraft. These usually centred around the famous series of scale plans for which the magazine was justly famous. Multi-part series such as 'Famous Biplanes' and 'Aircraft Described' ran across the centre pages and featured b+w photographs, detail sketches and a brief description alongside the multi-view scale drawings. In the early 1960s it also included a regular Q & A feature run by Air-Britain called 'Sign Post' which mostly concerned aircraft markings. This was later replaced by a series concentrating on aeromodelling. Some issues also included aircraft colour profiles on the inside back cover. During the 1960s the magazine averaged 38-44 pages per issue, with many b+w photos and line drawings and sketches.
Aeromodeller Vol.27 No.2 (February 1961): Gloster VI Schneider Trophy Floatplane for 1929 (scale plans); Jagdstaffel Markings of WW1.

Похожие публикации:

  • Aeromodeller Vol.22 No.05 (May 1956)
  • Aeromodeller Vol.23 No.02 (February 1957)
  • Aeromodeller Vol.23 No.01 (January 1957)
  • Aeromodeller Vol.24 No.10 (October 1958)
  • Aeromodeller Vol.24 No.09 (September 1958)
  • Aeromodeller Vol.24 No.02 (February 1958)
  • Aeromodeller Vol.24 No.01 (January 1958)
  • Aeromodeller Vol.26 No.06 (June 1960)
  • Aeromodeller Vol.27 No.01 (January 1961)
  • Aeromodeller Vol.26 No.11 (November 1960)

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