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  Grumman Swing-Wing XF10F-1 Jaguar (Naval Fighters Series No 26)
    Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Самолеты
Grumman Swing-Wing XF10F-1 Jaguar (Naval Fighters Series No 26) title=
Автор: Corwin Corky Meyer
Издательство: Ginter Books
Год издания: 1993
isbn: 0942612264
Количество страниц: 36
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 29 Мб
Каталожный номер: 26405
Another in this highly respected series which forms a comprehensive guide to fighter aircraft (and many other types) operated by the US Navy and US Marine Corps in the years since World War II. Each is an extensively illustrated guide to markings carried by each unit operating the type in question and has drawings which will be invaluable for both historian and modeller. The unusual and innovative swing-wing Jaguar program ended up being a one airplane project even though during its development orders were placed for one hundred and twelve aircraft. That ship, Bureau number 124435, would only be flown by one pilot, Corwin "Corky" Meyer. When the program concluded in 1953 after over a year of flight testing, the flight test example 124435 along with the number two ship 124436, which was some 90% complete , were shipped to the Naval Air Material Center, Philadelphia, for use in testing barriers and barricades. The static test article, which was some 60% complete, was shipped to the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland for use as a target. 49 photos, 6 pages of drawings.

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