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  Douglas A-26 and B-26 Invader (Crowood Aviation Series)
    Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Самолеты
Douglas A-26 and B-26 Invader (Crowood Aviation Series) title=
Автор: Scott A. Thompson
Издательство: Crowood Press
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 1861265034
Количество страниц: 191
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 96 Мб
Каталожный номер: 78935
Douglas A-26 and B-26 Invader has often been overshadowed by other aircraft and circumstances. It saw service too late in World War II to lay claim to a distinctive heritage. By Korea, it was seen as a workhorse and just an old "propeller job". But there can be no doubt that the Invader was a fine aircraft - highly effective and popular with its crews. This volume presents the complete story of the Douglas Invader, from its design and early history through wartime service and peacetime uses. A selection of rare photographs are used to illustrate this history of the oft-forgotten but nonetheless impressive A-26 and B-26 Invader.

Похожие публикации:

  • Squadron/Signal Publications 1037: A-26 Invader in action - Aircraft No. 37
  • Famous Airplanes Of The World old series 92 (12/1977): Douglas A-26 Invader
  • Warbird Tech Series Volume 22: Douglas A-26 Invader
  • Aero Series 38: The McDonnell Douglas OH-6A Helicopter
  • Aircraft Number 134: A-26 Invader in action
  • Foreign Invaders: The Douglas Invader in Foreign Military and US Clandestin ...
  • McDonnell Douglas DC-9 (Great Airliners Series, Vol. 4)
  • McDonnell Douglas MD-11: A Long Beach Swansong (Aerofax)
  • Warbird Profile No.01. A-26 B/C Invader
  • Douglas AD Skyraider

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