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  Aerofax Datagraph 2: North American X-15/X-15A-2
    Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Самолеты
Aerofax Datagraph 2: North American X-15/X-15A-2 title=
Автор: Ben Guenther, Jay Miller, Terry Panopalis
Издательство: Aerofax
Год издания: 1985
isbn: 0942548345
Количество страниц: 68
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 63 Мб
Каталожный номер: 79464
North American Aviation's (now Rockwell International) seemingly inimitable X-15 high-speed, high-altitude research aircraft remains perhaps the single most suc­cessful manned experimental flight test vehicle in U.S. history. During its nearly ten years of active flight test ac­tivity, it generated a legacy of research data and aeronautical firsts that remain unparalleled in the world of aerospace research. From materials to propulsion systems, it was a workhorse testbed that either laid or helped lay the foundations for everything from the Rockwell International Space Shuttle to the forthcoming National Aerospace Plane (now officially designated X-30A). The X-15, in turn, owes its origins to the mid-1940's birth of the dedicated NACA/NASA, Air Force, and Navy research aircraft programs that led to the Bell X-1 fami­ly, the Bell X-2, the Douglas D-558-I, D-558-II, and X-3, the Lockheed X-7, and numerous other experimental air­craft types.

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