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  Aircraft Number 147: Messerschmitt Me 210/410 in Action
    Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Самолеты
Aircraft Number 147: Messerschmitt Me 210/410 in Action title=
Автор: George Punka
Издательство: Squadron/Signal Publications
Год издания: 1994
isbn: 0897473205
Количество страниц: 51
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 13 Мб
Каталожный номер: 83574
Before WW2, the Germans thought that twin engine planes would be excellent "destroyers" of enemy fighters. Fast, heavily armed the Me-110 led the way. The Battle of Britain showed the theory to be false, yet the Germans persisted in attempting to improve upon the Me-110. The follow on Me-210 was a disaster. It was unstable and difficult for even the test pilots to fly. The Me-410 fixed some of those problems, but these fighters were doomed before they ever took off. This In Action book gives a very good, concise history of the problems and testing. Plenty of line drawings to show the changes in each model. The B&W photos are very crisp, clear with helpful captions. 2 pages of color plates to show camoflage patterns. A section discusses the use of the plane in Hungarian service which adds interest. Definately recommended for modelers or aviation buffs. Not a lot out there on this plane since it was not one of Wllly Messerschmitt's better designs.

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