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  Armor Number 30: M2/M3 Bradley in action
    Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Танки, БТР
Armor Number 30: M2/M3 Bradley in action title=
Автор: Jim Mesko
Издательство: Squadron/Signal Publications
Год издания: 1992
isbn: 0897472802
Количество страниц: 52
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 15.3 Мб
Каталожный номер: 71837
This book from Squadron Signal gives you a very good, accurate crash course in the history of APC's and the history behind the Army's first Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Many excellent B&W photos of the interior, exterior and in use. There are a few paragraphs that cover the use in Gulf 1. Of interest, the last section deals with proposed versions of the M2/M3 such as the ADAT, Close Combat Vehicle. The MLRS is also demonstrated.
Line drawings showing the differences in each version, weapons carried and 2 pages of color plates help the reader see the history and use of the Bradley up to and through 1992. Four stars for the book since it's old, it can't capture the upgrades in armor and capabilities of the Bradley, its use in Urban Warfare. Newer books will have to fill that void.

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    Опубликовал: oleksandr74 | 22-01-2012, 02:02 | Просмотров: 574   Комментарии (0)  Печать

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