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  Crusader (Classic AFVs No.1)
    Категория: Военное дело » Военная техника » Танки, БТР
Crusader (Classic AFVs No.1) title=
Автор: J.Milsom, J.Sandars & G.Scarborough
Издательство: Patrick Stepheins Ltd. & An AIRFIX book
Год издания: 1976
isbn: 0-85059-194-5
Количество страниц: 81
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 28 Мб
Каталожный номер: 79419
This lavishly illustrated book is a detailed record of the development and active service life of the famous British Crusader tank, and includes full details on modelling and converting the 1:32 scale Airfix plastic construction kit of a Crusader III. Part one, by John Milsom. describes the Crusader s development from the earlier A13 and Covenanter Cruiser tanks. Equipped with the brilliant Christie suspension system, and powered by a 340 hp Nuffield Liberty engine, the Crusader was capable of speeds of up to 27 mph over flat terrain, making it one of the fastest tanks of World War 2 and an ideal vehicle for the wide-ranging Western Desert battles. The early Crusader Mks J and J. were fitted with 2 pdr guns, but the definitive Crusader III which saw action at Alamein mounted a 6 pdr. The performance of all three marks in the 8th Army's battles against Rommel's Afnka Korps between 1941 and 1943 is well described in Part two of this book, by John Sandars For modellers, there is a special section on Crusader camouflage and marking schemes.

Похожие публикации:

  • British Guards Armoured Division 1941-45 (Vanguard 9)
  • Crusader Cruiser Tank Mk. VI (Armour Photo Gallery No.06)
  • Crusader Cruiser Tank 1939-1945 (New Vanguard 14)
  • Aircraft No.07: F8 Crusader in Action
  • Squadron/Signal Publications 1070: F-8 Crusader in action
  • Vought's F-8 Crusader. Part Two: Navy and Marine RF-8 Photo-Recon Squa ...
  • Vought's F-8 Crusader. Part Three: Marine Fighter Squadrons (Naval Fig ...
  • Vought's F-8 Crusader. Part One: Development and Testing, Foreign User ...
  • Vought's F-8 Crusader. Part Four: Navy Fighter Squadrons (Naval Fighte ...
  • D&S No.31. F-8 Crusader

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