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  Armor Conversion and Detailing Projects from Finescale Modeler: Step By step Instructions from the Expert Armour Modeler
    Категория: Танки, БТР, Хобби, коллекционирование
Armor Conversion and Detailing Projects from Finescale Modeler: Step By step Instructions from the Expert Armour Modeler title=
Автор: Terry Spohn
Издательство: Kalmbach Publishing Company
Год издания: 1997
isbn: 0890242682
Количество страниц: 105
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 70 Мб
Каталожный номер: 93263
The tanks and other armored vehicles of modern armies have been adapted in a variety of ways to the changing terrain and the tactics and weapons of combat. Now you can recreate this variety by converting available kits to recreate actual vehicles with the techniques described in this book.
Turn the pages and take on projects like:
The Stalingrad T34
Modeling external armor plate
Airbrushing armor
Panzer IV/70 (A)
Vietnam M3 half-track
Panther Ausf A
Basics of detailing armor
Iraqi T62
Sherman tanks.

Похожие публикации:

  • Armored Victory 1945: U.S. Army Tank Combat in the European Theater from th ...
  • British Battle Tanks 1945 to the Present (Tanks Illustrated 5)
  • FineScale Modeler December Vol.06 No.06
  • FineScale Modeler Vol.07 No.04
  • World War II Tanks and AFVs (Vital Guide)
  • Maus and Other German Armored Projects (Armored Military Vehicles)
  • American Tanks of World War II (Enthusiast Color Series)
  • Scale Modeling Handbook No.06: Modeling Tanks and Military Vehicles
  • Military Vehicles Vol. II - Building, Detailing, Painting and Weathering
  • Jane's Tanks and Combat Vehicles Recognition Guide

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