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  Light Infantry Tactics: For Small Teams
    Категория: Военное дело » Прочее
Light Infantry Tactics: For Small Teams title=
Автор: Christopher E. Larsen
Издательство: AuthorHouse
Год издания: 2005
isbn: 1418472085, 1418472077
Количество страниц: 248
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 66 Мб
Каталожный номер: 106314
Finally! Step-by-step tactics for teams of three to 30 members. Tired of collecting a library of military manuals just to teach light infantry patrolling tactics? Military manuals are notoriously confusing and boring! More often than not, they are written for company and battalion commanders. This book is written for truly small unit leaders - at the fireteam, squad, and platoon level. This book includes several other advantages over military manuals: Common sense explanations of each tactical battle drill. Simple to understand schema and illustrations 'Lessons Learned' comments that offer experienced insight. A glossary to get everyone speaking in the same terminology. With a 'no non-sense' approach, every skill and tactical battle drill in this book is specifically focused on light infantry patrolling tactics. For the experienced military professional, this book will be valued reference. For every other small unit leader - whether military, modern military re-enactors, or paintball and air soft competitors this book is sure to become your 'field bible'.

Похожие публикации:

  • Textbook Of Small Arms 1929
  • The Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of Warfare: The Middle Ages 768-1487
  • Wellington's Infantry (2) (Men at Arms Series 119)
  • Combat Actions in Korea
  • Professional Knowledge Gained from Operational Experience in Vietnam, 1968
  • A Basic Manual of Military Small Arms
  • World War II US Armored Infantry Tactics
  • French Napoleonic Infantry Tactics 1792–1815 - (Elite, 159)
  • Napoleon's Light Infantry - (Men-at-Arms, 146)
  • WWII Soft-Skinned Military Vehicles - (Modeling Manuals, 11)

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