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  The Imperial Guard of Russia 1900-1914 (Uniformology Book Series No. 2)
    Категория: Военное дело » Униформа, обмундирование
The Imperial Guard of Russia 1900-1914 (Uniformology Book Series No. 2) title=
Автор: Philip Cranz
Издательство: Uniformology
Год издания: 2002
isbn: 1935344005
Количество страниц: 58
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 19 Мб
Каталожный номер: 27374
Униформа Имперской Гвардии Царя Николая I - последнего российского Царя. В издании собрана коллекция из 51 моделей.
This collection of 51 schematic plates covers each regiment of the Imperial Guard of Czar Nicholas I - the last Russian Czar. After the disastrous war with Japan in 1904-5, Czar Nicholas II ordered sweeping reforms for the Russian Army. Among these, in an attempt to restore pride and confidence was a change in dress uniforms. This change reversed the draconian reforms of Alexander III in 1881 when simple peasant style uniforms were adopted and all cavalry became dragoons. Now the hussars, lancers and cuirassiers returned (the latter converted to dragoons) with distinctive and attractive uniforms. Not least of these affected the Imperial Guard where uniforms reached their apogee in terms of magnificence.

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  • Uniforms of the Imperial Russian Army
  • Napoleon's Imperial Guard Vol.II (Uniformology CD-2004-32)
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  • The French Army of the Second Empire (Uniformology CD-2004-16)
  • Marbot's Napoleon's Imperial Guard
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  • The French Imperial Guard Volume 1: The Foot Soldiers, 1804-1815 (Officers ...
  • The Russian Army 1914-18 - (Men-at-Arms)

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