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  Metal Uniform Insigna of the Frontier U.S. Army 1846-1902
    Категория: Военное дело » Униформа, обмундирование
Metal Uniform Insigna of the Frontier U.S. Army 1846-1902 title=
Автор: Sidney B. Brinckerhoff
Издательство: Arizona Historical Society
Год издания: 1972
Количество страниц: 45
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 12 Мб
Каталожный номер: 87887
Museum Monograph No. 3. One of the most interesting and valuable groups of artifacts to be found at abandoned military posts and camps are the metal uniform objects lost or discarded by the soldiers. Brought to the surface by wind and rain or by archaeological investigation, these buttons, branch insignia, and buckles have real aesthetic interest for the collector. They also have historic importance, along with documentary sources, as a means of dating the location, and in some cases, identifying the branch or unit there stationed. Uniform buttons are most frequently recovered. Light brass buttons, no matter how well sewn to the uniform, were apparently easy to lose. Considerable numbers have been discovered in the trans-Mississippi West, both by casual explorers and by historical archaeologists. Because of the number of troops who passed through or were stationed west of the Mississippi from 1846 through 1902, and the vigorous duty they performed, it is not surprising that so many buttons were left behind. The same reasons apply to the insignia and belt buckles which have also appeared, although they are found in less quantity. On occasion, a large concentration of belt buckles or other items are found together in a small area in the ground, sometimes mutilated. Obsolete items were often so disposed of by the post quartermaster. While not all of the types of metal uniform objects uncovered are treated here, the most common finds are described in enough detail to make field identification possible.

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