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  Great Representation of the Art and of the Use of Fencing
    Категория: Холодное оружие, Прочее
Great Representation of the Art and of the Use of Fencing title=
Автор: Ridolfo Capo Ferro
Издательство: Salvestro Marchetti and Camillo Turi
Год издания: 1610
Количество страниц: 73
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 6 Мб
Каталожный номер: 54258
Capoferro's treatise "Great Representation of the Art and Use of Fencing" was printed by Salvestro Marchetti and Camillo Turi in Siena, and is divided into two parts: Art and Practice.
In the first part, he gives the general principles of swordsmanship and fencing, with the second part of his book covering actual techniques, described in text with accompanying illustrations. His work is interesting in that some methods that he denigrates in his theory he uses in his actions; most notably, he dismisses feints as dangerous or useless (depending upon the situation) and then uses them liberally in various actions in the second part of his book.
The book covers the use of single rapier, including basic sword grappling, as well as Rapier and dagger, Rapier and cloak, and Rapier and Rotella, a most unusual combination for the period, though far more common in the tradition of swordsmanship of the 16th century which preceded it. The Rotella is a medium size concave round shield of approximately 60 cm in Diameter with two straps to hold it. Similar metal shields survive, particularly from Spain in this period, though very few from Italy, implying that these shields were made of a perishable material such as wood or leather or a composite of such materials. The manual also includes techniques for fighting against a left-handed opponent.

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